Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Wonderings--March 16

Honestly, I have tried to write this post for several hours now. Up until now my soul has been busy in prayer and reflection--that's a fancy way to say I've got a busy mind today. 

It all started around 9 when my therapist called me back for my next round of physical therapy. I was anxious and yet excited for the work. At home I've been working quite hard to strengthen my leg and improve my range of motion. Little did I know how Janie would attack me today. . . 

We did not begin with normal stretches or warm-up activities. Instead, as she watched me walk the decision was made to begin on the stationary bike. I was told to ride for 10 minutes as she cranked up the intensity from 0 to 2. Normally this would not be an issue, but today it was. 

For a distraction I opened my iPhone and continued reading my newest book: The Cloud of Unknowing. This text is one of the oldest Christian texts outside of the Bible that exist. The author has remained unknown to history but their words are important. So as I read the next section, while listening to the rain,  I felt God speaking to my heart. 

I offer you these same words now that blessed my soul (please forgive the outdated language): 

"But one thing I tell thee. He is a jealous lover and suffereth no fellowship, and Him list not work in thy will but if He be only with thee by Himself. He asketh none help, but only thyself. He wills, thou do but look on Him and let Him alone. And keep thou the windows and the door, for flies and enemies assailing. And if thou be willing to do this, thee needeth but meekly press upon him with prayer, and soon will He help thee. Press on then, let see how thou bearest thee. He is full ready, and doth but abideth thee."

Throughout my entire day those words have been with me. They are an affirmation of how God comes close and what a relationship with God looks like. Truly we are pressed upon from all sides by our common adversary. But we must never forget that he is ready to abide with us. 

On busy days. . . God is ready.

When we feel bruised and hampered by life. . . God is ready. 

When we find our faith lacking. . . God is ready. 

I wonder today if these words from a long-ago written text will warm your heart as they did mine? I wonder if God will show you someone how you can dwell with and listen to--for God is ready to be with both of you. 


Rev. Derek 

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