Tuesday, July 30, 2024

I Wonder--July 30

Last night I tried a new experiment that I want to reflect with you upon. 

Over the years, and because of our love of dogs, Jennifer and I have learned that a King Size bed works the best for us. It provides us plenty of room to sleep and plenty of room for the occasionally 'fur baby' to come visit. However, over the years the visits have stopped. Now the 'fur baby' takes up residence at (or near) our feet. So we need the extra room. 

Flynn is especially good at this. Each night he assumes one of two places: between my feet OR against Jennifer's legs. 

Now one would think that a 20-pound mini springer doodle with all the space of a King Size bed would have plenty of room to wander around. But this is not the case. Nearly every night he is either against Jennifer's leg or between my feet.  

So last night I tired something to see if it would help and as I watched, I wondered.... 

I grabbed a throw blanket that Autumn gave us for Christmas a couple years ago. It is red and white with ribbing on it that makes it look like my grandmother hand knit it. If I did not cut the tag off the blanket on Christmas morning, I would think Autumn made it herself.

I gently folded the blanket into a square and placed it in the middle of the bed and waited. Calling Flynn I smiled as I heard the jingle of his collar down the hall. He trotted down into our room holding his favorite plush toy "Harry" in his mouth (if you were a 1-year-old I bet you would want your favorite toy to take to bed as well). 

Jumping onto our bed, he did not even circle around as dogs often do, but he plopped right down with Harry in his mouth. He then slumped over onto his side and allowed Harry to rest next to him. At 5:30am I found them both in that general spot. Right where I left them. There was something soothing about the blanket for him. 

It was a very small modification that asked little of me. But he seemed to appreciate it and I wondered is there a small step, a small choice, that you can make today that will help something find peace in their day? 

Our days are filled with so much stress and so much anxiety that a small gesture might just make the difference for them. Perhaps you can be on the lookout for a chance to care for someone today? 

Thursday, July 25, 2024

I Wonder--July 25

It has been a wonderful blessing to find the heat of the summer has given way... a bit. Not only has it been a hot summer, but the heat and drained us emotionally and the emotional drain that each of us confess, it can bleed into a spiritual drain that affects us as Christians. 

Now as the humidity of July has subsided (somewhat), I came across the words of Katherine May that spoke truth to me again and I wanted to share them with you. For the summer heat can burn us out and make it hard to remain faithful to the Lord. 

She writes:

"I am only just beginning to understand that my burnout was the result of multiple losses, each one of which seems so small, but I thought it didn't matter. I willingly surrendered my [prayer] time because I thought it would be a vanity to demand it. I gave up reading and time alone and long, hot baths, and walking. I gave up silence, and standing in the garden at sunrise I let those moments become overrun by work and care, and I was surprised to find that, without them, there was nothing left of me.

I wonder how often do you find yourself following Katherine's example? Slowly giving ground spiritually and devotionally for external reason?   

Perhaps this is your invitation to regroup with the Lord... Perhaps you can take some time today and make some space to be with the Lord and 

Rev. Derek

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

I Wonder--July 10

A couple weeks ago I preached from a text in Mark's gospel. The story was about Jesus calming the storm.

We all know the story as it has been taught to us since we were children. . . Jesus asleep in the boat awakens to calm the storm and save the frightened disciples from near certain death (at least that was their perspective as the evening cruise began). But I have continued thinking and considering this text since I preached about it. Mark:4:35-41 has resurfaced in a number of times for me and my learning continues. 

Today as I continue thinking about this text, I am reminded of the words of Alexander McLaren who said the following as he reflected upon it: 

"Jesus sleeps on: but He will wake up before it sinks. He sleeps on, but He never oversleeps; and there are no "too lates" with Him."

I like that idea a lot. . . The idea that Jesus does not oversleep when the storm threatens the boat. I like my Jesus to be vigilant. Alert. Present. Ready at a moment's notice even when I am not sure in my own life that I can see the path forward. 

For when I read the news or spend time on social media I witness the response of a community who is anxious by what they see. They seem afraid and upset either because of the direction our world is taking or because of the direction the world will take soon. 

In fact very few responses to what is being observed in this world sounds like: "Well we have to trust God to take care of us as God always has." 

Now I also know that tension and anxiety sell. I know click-bait earns advertising dollars and it helps garner followers. This is also a sad, yet true, commentary of society. 

But I wonder has Jesus ever overslept? 

Or, does the Lord always quiet the storm at the exact moment when the storm threatens the boat and everyone in that boat? I am not apathetic to the struggles and challenges this world and community face. Instead what would does it look like to return our faith back to the place where it needs to be and return our focus to the Lord who dwells in our midst, return to His Word, and trust Him? 

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

I wonder--July 9

Having just returned to church from a minor surgery, I have been thinking a lot about how we support each other as the Body of Christ. I have been thinking about how we state that we will support each other but what does that practice look like? 

The first thing that we often say when someone tells us of an impending procedure, or treatment, or diagnosis is: "I will pray for you." Or, "Let me know if there is anything that I can do." Those statements are then often followed up with a well-meaning thought like: 'I need to follow-up with them and see how they are doing.' 

A short text message is considered or a phone call a few days later is planned. We might look at a cute greeting card while in the grocery store or consider a brief email as we check our morning inbox and filter through the clutter and spam.  

But I wonder: how often do we truly follow-up? I wonder how often do we actually sent the note that we promised ourselves? 

Think about that for a minute. . .  How often do you sent the note?

My procedure was simple: a hernia repair. I was home and in my chair before noon. My pain was well managed and between Jennifer, JonMark, Emma, and Autumn I needed nothing. I was never under any type of stress or worry. 

But what about the person that you know who does not have the on-site support that I did this past week? Who promised to send them the note and then did not follow through?  

Perhaps your note, your call, your presence was needed. Perhaps just knowing that you are there is the gentle reminder that they need to know that God has not abandoned, neglected, or forsaken them. 

Perhaps this post is the reminder that we need to send the note today and let someone know that we are thinking of them and that they are not alone in whatever struggle they are going through... 

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

I Wonder--July 2

As I was reading Eric Greitens book, Resilience: Hard-Won Wisdom for Living a Better Life, I came across these words that I wanted to share and invite you to consider. Eric is a former Navy SEAL who is writing to another former SEAL, Walker, who struggles with PTSD following his service to our country. 

For while it is summer time, and summer often is a time of rest and vacation, we cannot allow the excuses of life to distract us away from the call of God to be faithful as the Body of Christ. 

Yes, we are not striving for 'excellence' in practice alone, but neither does God ask us to offer excuses as to why we did not practice our faith, or read our Bibles, or serve our community, or go to worship. It takes work, dedication, consistency to grow and mature as Christians. 

As Eric talks about in the following quotation, in life we have to work. This work requires a commitment on our part. He writes: 

"Excellence is beautiful and, like all beautiful things, temporary. One moment we are victorious. The next moment we were victorious. An excuse, however, endures. An excuse promises permanence. Excellence is difficult. An excuse is seductive. It promises an end to hardship, failure, and embarrassment. Excellence requires pain. An excuse promises that you'll be pain free." (Emphasis in original text)

As the church, we must put aside our excuses and press on toward the goal of our high calling in Christ Jesus. As the church, we must continue to share God's message of flourishing and transformation that is found in Christ. As the church, we cannot offer excuses as to why we are not faithful to the calling that we have received from the Lord. 

As Paul teaches us, we have to "work out our salvation with fear and trembling" (Phil. 2:12) each day. We are called to work, and that work could feel painful in the moment, but the end result is the blessing of union in and with Christ. 
So I wonder, what does it look like in your life to press on, to put aside the excuses, the justifications, the judgments, and dedicate yourself to being faithful to the mission and work of Christ this summer? 


Monday, June 17, 2024

I Wonder--June 17

Yesterday in worship the focal point of the message was the concept of 'home.' 

I began by stating that 'home' is not always as safe as we would like, and it does not always contain memories that we cherish. We both know that. Nevertheless, in 2 Corinthians 5 Paul speak to the church at Corinth, a church that he cares deeply for, about 'being at home with the Lord.' I believe that Paul does this for two reasons. 

First, it is his ultimate goal to go home to heaven where he will be with Christ again. Paul has known this for some time and he has spoken about it in other places in the Epistles that he wrote. 

Second, this is also his source of hope while he serves the Lord. For when the world presses down upon Paul (or us today), we hope to find our refuge in Christ.

Being at home with Christ is where we feel the love of God at work in our hearts and, in response to that love, we go out into the mission field and we share what God has taught us.  

So with that in mind, I opened my devotional and I found the following words that I feel link nicely to the concept of home with Christ: 

"Oh, how much energy is wasted! How much time is lost by not letting down the wings of our spirit and getting very quiet (still) before Him! Oh the calm, the rest, the peace which comes as we wait in His presence until we hear from Him!"

When we are still before the Lord, and as we realize that this is part of the invitation to come home to the Lord, something profound and intimate happens to our hearts. All that is around us, and all that presses down upon us, can fade away and our relationship with God grows and matures. 

So as you think about the idea of this week, I wonder where God might place opportunities for you to be still with Him? I wonder what these moments will open up in your heart and who you can share them with. . . 

Thursday, June 13, 2024

I Wonder--June 13

It has been some time since I last posted, but that does not mean that I have not been thinking or wondering... so it is time to share that wondering with you. 

Today we are getting ready to care for our community. Bags are packed. The canopy is setup and the tables have been moved into position in the parking lot. Soon members of our local community will come to the church and we will care for them. 

I feel blessed by this opportunity. 

Yet a question has been in my mind for days. A wondering. I wonder what stops the Body of Christ from being faithful? I wonder what hinders you and I from practicing our faith consistently with others? 

A few days ago, I was sitting and reading when my iPhone chirped on the table next to me. It was a text message from a member of the church. The message was short but it nearly caused me to jump out of the chair as I read it. The message asked me about our food program and it stated that most of the local food ministries around us were unable to provide food this summer for one reason or another. 

So this person wondered when was our next food distribution scheduled?

There was no judgment in the message and no condemnation because we had not scheduled one. Yet I felt the Holy Spirit sit down in the chair next to me and wonder with me about what impedes the church from her ministry? 

We state that we are busy. We state that our schedules are too full for one more thing. While these are true statements, at times, is it not also true that the Body of Christ is better when we work together serving the local community with the gifts that God has given us? 

Perhaps there is something in your day that is holding you back from caring for your community or your neighbors. 

What would it look like if you followed the lead of the Holy Spirit and began again to care for the people of God? Maybe the Holy Spirit is inviting you to wonder about how to actively care this summer for someone else. Perhaps this conversation is a good way to begin again with the Lord. 

I Wonder--July 30

Last night I tried a new experiment that I want to reflect with you upon.  Over the years, and because of our love of dogs, Jennifer and I h...