Thursday, October 31, 2024

I Wonder--October 31

A lot has changed since the last time I sat down to write. But despite the crowded-ness of my mind and heart, God is still showing up and still causing me to wonder. 

God is calling each of us to notice the small places where He breaks in and offers a blessing as we serve the community. 

For instances. . . Last night at Bethesda Jennifer and I participated in Trunk or Treat. This is the second year that we've held the event and it was a wonderful success. Over 180 people stopped by and allowed us to serve them. 

As you can see Jennifer and I chose Disney's Up as our theme. 

We saw old friends from the daycare come back to Bethesda. I met children who sat in the church for chapel and who I shared God's Word with.  

We saw community members who we have been working on building relationships with come to the church and we cared for them. 

Members of the community who grew up at Bethesda came back to the church and I heard their stories and I listened to their needs as they talked with me about finding a place for their children and grandchildren to learn about the Lord. 

Then we gathered in the fellowship hall for a community meal and the time of listening continued as we shared how God was present with us.
The food was wonderful as was the conversation. We shared the blessing from table to table. You see when the Body of Christ gathers together, when we eat together and serve together, there is no limit to what God can do. 

I wonder how is God calling us to support our community in the future? How can you come together with someone else and love your community as we did last night?  

1 comment:

  1. Cool preacher... Shorts and a tie.... Good blog post


Can you find rest.... I wonder?

As I get ready to meet with the children of our day care for our weekly chapel conversation, I was reading a portion of Hannah Whitall Smith...