Thursday, February 6, 2025

Can you find rest.... I wonder?

As I get ready to meet with the children of our day care for our weekly chapel conversation, I was reading a portion of Hannah Whitall Smith's book, The Christian's Secret to a Happy Life. As a Quaker, Hannah spent a great deal of time thinking and quietly reflecting on this subject. 

Her words will speak to the heart of anyone who finds her and spends time considering what she has to say. Specifically I was held with the following passage: 

"And here you must rest. There is nothing more for you to do, except to be henceforth an obedient child; for you are the Lord's now, absolutely and entirely in His hands, and He has undertaken the whole care and management and forming of you, and will, according to His word, work in you "that which is well pleasing in His sigh through Jesus Christ" (Hebrews 13:21). But you must hold steadily here. If you begin to question your surrender, or God's acceptance of it. . .  He cannot work in you to do His will." 

I had to reread that passage more than once because the truth of her words cut me deep as I worry if I have been productive enough this week as a Christian. 

We like to think that we are in charge of our lives and our own future. We like to think that we can change the world ourselves. Boot-strapping is alive and well in the Body of Christ (and to an extent we do play a role in service to God as we practice our faith). But by practicing a posture of being in charge for ourselves we offer ourselves so little room and space to rest in the Lord--and resting in the Lord is so needed today. 

We can become so busy running and pressing and hurrying from thing to thing that we miss the chance to just rest. We can miss the chance to hold God's hand and let God hold ours. In truth, I believe the rest that Hannah speaks of is what is most needed in our day today. We need less yelling and less finger pointing and more resting in the Lord--a Lord who we can never go to a place where HE is not waiting for us already. 

And for us... that presence needs to be enough. 

I wonder, can you find rest today in a world that will try to push you away from God and away from rest?


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Can you find rest.... I wonder?

As I get ready to meet with the children of our day care for our weekly chapel conversation, I was reading a portion of Hannah Whitall Smith...