A short time ago I was reading a passage from a familiar book that I enjoy. Today I want to share a story from that book, A Hidden Wholeness, with you and invite you to consider it and notice how the narrative fits into your work as a Christian.
To listen. To notice. To "dwell with another person." These are more important than just casual ramblings or niceties, they are essential to the way we live out God's calling. I invite you to come along and consider, "Where have you seen God at work today?"
Thursday, September 30, 2021
Pastoral Thought--September 30
Tuesday, September 28, 2021
Pastoral Thought--September 28
So I want to share with you an experience that I had this weekend with JonMark.
Today, JonMark is at the auto-parts store ordering a new tensioner. He is going to replace it and thinks he knows how to complete the job. I can see in his eyes the excitement of having a plan and visualizing a way to have that plan come to completion.
Thursday, September 23, 2021
Pastoral Thought--September 23
Early this week I invited you to sit and ‘draw’ with me. At that time I used a practice from Richard Rohr to facilitate this creative endeavor. Today, I want to invite you to continue that creative process and also to try something different. . . something restful. . . something unexpected.
Monday, September 20, 2021
Pastoral Thought--September 20
Today I am busy with excitement. For over the last year the committee that I serve at our presbytery (Encouraging Churches to Flourish) has been working on bringing Susan Beaumont to this area for our yearly Thriving Church Event. Her work on how to lead in the church when the direction is not entirely clear (like when we are dealing with a pandemic and our response to it), has been helpful to my mind. We are excited for what she will teach us Friday as we gather at Calvin Church.
You might draw all of the spaces around the object or spend just a few moments drawing. When your pencil comes to a stop, observe the form and detail of the “nothingness” you’ve drawn. Know that your True Self, though perhaps less visible than ego and persona, is spacious and objective. Let your inner witness quietly observe the “negative space” within yourself. Rest in this abundant emptiness” that is God and how God is with you.
Thursday, September 16, 2021
Pastoral Thought--September 16
I am delighted to report that next week the Beaver Butler Presbytery will be hosting author and speaker, Susan Beaumont at Calvin Presbyterian Church. The committee which I chair at the presbytery has been working for over a year to bring Susan to our area. Covid tried to stop us, but we kept moving our timeline, kept thinking and dreaming, we kept praying, and the event will happen next week.
Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Pastoral Thought--September 14
For those who have been following along with these 'pastoral thoughts’ you may remember that I was searching for a small black Bible that a friend gave me as a gift years ago. At that time I said that I believed that the Bible was in my office.
So, I looked everywhere in an attempt to relocate it. I opened all my drawers and boxes in the closet. Peering in with my iPhone’s flashlight, I looked in the deepest recesses of my desk and file cabinet hoping to find the lost Bible. I wanted to find it; I felt that I needed to find it so that I could go outside, sit in the chapel, and read it. But why????
Wednesday, September 8, 2021
Pastoral Thought--September 8
It has been a wonderful joy to watch the children return to the Cranberry Nursery School today. I knew that I missed the ambient noise from their lessons, but I did not know how much I missed the children of CNS. They brighten my day with their smiles and with their presence. Over the summer I ‘broke the silence’ with background music from various Disney Parks. But that is not necessary today. Now the kids are back and the noise is back and I want to share a little of my morning with you. . .
Tuesday, September 7, 2021
Pastoral Thought--September 7
On my first day of Reformed Dogmatics at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary my professor walked into class and began his introduction as I expected. Sitting before us, Andrew never moved from his chair. He crossed his leg and began to introduce the topic before turning to his co-teacher, Charles, and asked what he’d like to add.
Back and forth they went discussing and reflecting on the direction that cause would take. It was so informal and like nothing that I experienced before.
Thursday, September 2, 2021
Pastoral Thought
Recently I was looking for a gift from an old friend, and I was having a hard time finding it.
Can you find rest.... I wonder?
As I get ready to meet with the children of our day care for our weekly chapel conversation, I was reading a portion of Hannah Whitall Smith...
A lot has changed since the last time I sat down to write. But despite the crowded-ness of my mind and heart, God is still showing up and st...
I wonder, what makes a sacrament? The Book of Confessions tells me that a sacrament is: " a holy ordinance instituted by Christ in hi...
Last night I tried a new experiment that I want to reflect with you upon. Over the years, and because of our love of dogs, Jennifer and I h...