Wednesday, September 20, 2023

I Wonder--September 20

Today I do not want to offer you a story or a short lesson. I do not have something for you to consider and then wonder if a reorientation is both necessary and possible for you faith. . . Instead, I want to offer you to the words from my morning devotional. 

I offer you a word about hope. 

Kate Bowler and Jessie Richie write these words for us as they think about hope: 

"God is not done yet. When all we see is death and decay and destruction and disease, God sees hope, but not an empty optimism or empty phrase. God sees hard-won hope. Hope with feet. Hope that takes work. Can these bones live?. . . In these moments, when it seems God has abandoned us, look and listen. God is there, shocking us with the resurrection of hope itself." (Emphasis in original text)

I wonder where in your life today do you need to hear these words? Where does God ask you to look and listen and see the hope that is only possible in the Lord? 

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