Tuesday, April 30, 2024

I Wonder--April 30

I have spent a lot of time collating, editing, and managing my social media and news feeds on my iPhone. This process has take quite a while. This is not because I want to live or function in a 'silo,' but because there are just some topics that do not interest me and I do not want to spend a lot of time with them. 

You see, I do not have a great interest in fashion, or in pop music, and a host of other mainline topics that algorithms suggest that I will like. So I have 'clicked' them away. 

What remains though can be quite painful and polarizing--as it was today when my morning news feed was filled with stories that turned my stomach. Stories of violence. Stories of groups of people from around the world who cannot sit together and talk but choose to 'lob verbal grenades' at one another in passive aggressive threats. 

How does this behavior and choice serve the Lord? Are we not called to be the Church? To be more? 

In the book, "Have a Beautiful, Terrible Day!" Kate Bowler says this to us: 

"The hard truth is that the most basic aspect of our humanity is not our determination, our talents, or whatever we accomplished during last year's resolutions. We are united by our fragility. We all need shelter because we are soft and mushy and irritable in the elements– and we will need so much more than a bank loan, sooner or later we are [all] left exposed."

I could not agree with Kate more. 

We are fragile. 

We are all Children of God who need to remember that truth and come together around it. Rather than shout and divide, perhaps God asks the Church to help facilitate a process of coming together. Instead of yelling and shouting the other person down, I wonder if there is a Christ-like way to sit with someone, to hold their hand, and see the fragility in their eyes, in their lives, and welcome them into communion as Jesus welcomes you? 

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