Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Thoughts while visiting a mouse

Ok.  So we are back from Disney and had a wonderful time.  But even while I am away, and am suppose to be allowing my mind to relax and recharge, I found I was busy.  Not just with the usual vacation stuff...rides, shows, dinner, sleep, and of course the pool, but I found myself watching people. No.  No.  I wan't snooping or stalking anyone, I just watched them and wondered what type of relationship they had with God.  I know its very pastoral of me to do this...

But it was true.  I wondered if people could be on vacation and really encounter God in a personal way.  I know I did.  This was suppose to be one final trip to Disney with my whole family.  Unfortunately, dad didn't make.  So for the entire week I wondered what dad would be thinking if he were here.

I wondered if he would enjoy the food.  I cried when his grandkids danced with Doc McStuffin and Sophia the First.  I sighed when I thought about how tired he would be with all the walking we did.  It gave me the opportunity to reflect with God about my relationship with dad.  And so I guess to wrap up this first blog I would say, that my vacation was really spent thinking about family, about dad, and about how God with us even in the warmth of Florida.

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