Thursday, July 20, 2017

Sharing a good story

We just completed our yearly bible school program here at Plains. During the week, 135 children came to our church from the surrounding community and encountered God in a personal, powerful way that scripts and planning cannot fully prepare for.

I was not able to be at the first evening's program as I was in the hospital being treated for arterial fibrillation- thankfully my heart went back into rhythm on its own and I returned home Tuesday to the festivities. When I returned, I was shocked at what I witnessed! Each evening our Director, Dena, led the children, ages 3 and up, in articulating their individual God's sightings. She was asking them the same question we as each week in worship: "Where have you seen God at work?" This question has transformed us and I was excited to see how it would transform them.

Tuesday evening's program required my drama character to 'hide' in a tent because he was sick (perfect right). When the children gathered as crews to speak about their God's sightings I peeked out the tent and saw an amazing sight that I did not expect. So much energy. So much commitment. And so many stories being shared through our church worship space. Each day the stories came and each day the children came forward to share their stories with pride and passion.

This made me wonder: how will are we as the church to share our narrative of God a work in our lives?

I often speak to people who think their story is not worth sharing as it is too simple to actually reflect God working in their life. Or worse yet, they are too busy to stop and examine the places God has been at work for them. I encourage you to find a quiet moment today... be still... and answer the question for yourself: Where have you see God at work? The answer may just surprise you.

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