Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Wonderings--November 10

 What a wonderfully busy day!

Shortly after 8am, I unlocked the door to the church office for the first time here at Bethesda Presbyterian Church and walked in. My calling has brought me to this place and I anticipate it being a tremendous blessing. 

The cool crisp air of York ushered me into the building as I flipped on the light for the first time. Sipping some coffee, I then walked across the office toward my door. I could feel my anticipation growing in me. 

I opened the door to my new office and saw the totes of books lined up neatly behind my desk by Donna. I found my other six totes in the next room over. . . Again, I forced a smile as I took my bag off my shoulder and looked around to decide where to begin. It was time to "settle in" to my/our new home.  

For about 45 minutes I placed books on the shelf while trying to calculate the necessary space needed for what was still lying in those totes yet to be unearthed. This can be hard to not have to redo over and over again. I hummed a song that JonMark shared with me as I opened the first box: 

"I'm no longer a slave to fear, oh I am a child of God."

Shortly after 9am Pat, my new secretary, came in for the morning. We talked a little, but I knew that time was ticking on my morning.  . . I had to be close to finishing up by 10am when LaRyne, my gifted musician, would be coming in to talk about Advent plans and music. 

Some time after we were done another guest stopped in, Cheryl. (I don't really know what time it was because the day was going to fast). She brought the family lunch of chicken salad, fruit, and Oreos. 

I met Mark as he hung Pat's new coat rack and saw the beautiful job he did on a little task that his wife gave him. I could tell that he is a gifted craftsman.  

Trudy came in and let me know that she was taking Emma shopping--I couldn't thank her enough. Intuitively, she realized that Emma was getting overwhelmed watching the movers bring our stuff into the house and set up. Her presence helped Emma relax and made Emma feel special. 

Donna was in again, third time of the morning, and I couldn't stop smiling. The church has so much life and activity at every corner of it. 

Today reminded me of something that heard from Amos Yong. He is a professor at Fuller Theological in Pasadena, California. Amos' work on hospitality has been at topic that I have checked in on from time to time. He defines hospitality as:

"Inviting the other into our space.

I like that definition at lot. It's simple and easy to apply. 

In this case, my family is the "other," and Bethesda is the "our space." Today we feel--to a person--very "invited." 

You see hospitality is the framework for relationship building and community access. Hospitality is not just what we as the church do in response to God's presence, it is what we become deliberately and by choice. We become hospitable because we choose to be. As the church, we notice who the other person is and we take steps to invite them into the sacredness of our space. 

Tonight I have a fellowship dinner to attend with my family. It will be another chance to feel and experience the hospitality of the Bethesda community. I can't wait to have some spaghetti with them and eat as church family. 

I wonder when was the last time that you felt the inviting pull of hospitality come into your life? I bet that it made a difference in your life, I know it did today for me. . . 


Rev. Derek

1 comment:

  1. Another thought provoking message. I see God at work at Bethesda Presbyterian. God's blessings


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