Thursday, October 28, 2021

Wonderings--October 28

I want to tell you about my morning today because it has been a good day--a blessing of a day. 

But first, let's rewind to yesterday morning. . . On Wednesday I saw my orthopedic. His PA, Jamie, was going to inject, for the third and final time, a gel into my right knee. (I know that sounds gross... imagine sitting through it!) Each week for the past three, I have sat on the table while Jamie injects the gel. The hope is that as the amount of liquid builds up in my knee the pain will subside and my mobility will return. 

Each shot provided different results. 

The first injection hurt soooo bad. I could hardly bend my knee at all. I limped all the way back to the car. 

The second one was different. This time the pain was only in the inside of my knee, but I was able to walk better. The pain was getting less. I still could overdo it quite easily, but I noticed a difference. 

This third, and final, injection produced a different result. The injection site is still sore and tender to the touch, but I am able to walk smoothly--finally. It has been a long time since I could have a regular gate to my steps. This led to the first blessing of my day:

Blessing 1: I walked Luna without pain. Because Luna loves to walk, I resisted the urge to walk her. I just couldn't handle her pulling and tugging on my knee as I braced myself against her pulling. We talked 1.5 miles around the church, the prayer trail, and Plains Church Road. It was flat anI felt blessed--really, really blessed. 

There was no pain in my steps. As I listened to my audiobook, I praised God for the coolness of the morning and being able to move freely again. 

Blessing 2: After getting ready for the morning, I was thankful to find one lonely pumpkin bagel in the pantry. Emma loves these bagels and has eaten most of them already. But she saved the last one for dear old dad... Small blessing I know, but a blessing nonetheless. 

Blessing 3: I walked to the church with no pain and witnessed a beautiful view of the sun popping over the church. The God of creation painted a beautiful sky for me. 

Blessing 4: A new friend sent me the nicest response on Facebook. I knew that she was suffering through a time of grief and the short conversation that we had around that pain, spoke loudly to me. I was glad to have the care for someone else as they hurt. (This type of work is part of what it means to be a minister). 

Blessing 5: I have no idea. . . But I know that God is going to care and support me in a profound way as He will do for you as well. 

I hope that today you will make some time, find some space, and notice how God has cared and supported you. I wonder how that revelation might just change your life in a small incremental way?

Rev. Derek

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