Thursday, October 14, 2021

Wonderings.... October 14

This morning I again took Luna on a walk. 

It was a cool morning, a crisp morning to walk the dog. She loves to walk and I assume that she has missed the chance to walk with me around the neighborhood during the summer. When Governor Wolfe 'locked down' the state during 2020, we walked every single day together in the silence of our community. It was wonderful to be outside.

Truthfully the summer heat of 2021 makes it an act of cruelty to walk a dog on an 80+ degree day for three miles on the hot, black, street--at least it is from my perspective. I can't imagine it feels good to walk on hot pavement barefoot for over an hour. . . So I don't ask Luna to do it either.  

Now as the autumn season begins around our home, and the breeze blows more leaves from their trees, Luna and I return to our 'course.' I bet that I do not need to put a leash on her anymore. She knows the way and she tugs and tugs for the first mile or so as she always does. 

Around the parking lot twice we go. Luna is running and dancing around me. Down Plains Church Road toward the busyness of Franklin Road. Then we turn back around. Another trip around the parking lot and then down Plains Church toward the seclusion of Hope Road and into a new housing plan that is being built over there. The traffic is always light once we leave Plains Church Road and l love that part of the morning routine. 

She walks down the edge of the street mesmerized by the smells and sights of Hope Road. We see a few squirrels doing whatever squirrels do in the morning. Luna's ear go up and she decides that an introduction is warranted. The squirrels don't agree. . .  Big surprise right, they never agree. . . 

After the fourth squirrel scampers into the underbrush, I finally tell her, "I guess they don't like you, Lu. Go figure." 

Surprisingly she does not respond. . . The next tree needs to be smelled. 

Now about a mile or so into the walk, I notice that my hands are drifting out from my sides with my palms up. My head is bobbing and weaving up and down. I notice that I have lost my place in my Star Wars audiobook. Something is happening in my heart. When things like this happen it is best to switch 'the programming around' and notice.

I begin to listen to some Taize on my iPhone. God has shown up and the rest of the walk is a practice of prayer and contemplation. 

As we trudge back up Plains Church road I begin to wonder. . . What would happen if I wasn't receptive to the gentle nudge of the Holy Spirit this morning? I wonder what God wanted to say to me today? 

If I was too locked into my schedule and my desires then I would have missed the movement of God. But I am not the only one of could fall victim to the pressure of schedules and plans. Maybe today God is asking you to find some time and wonder with Him. . .


Rev. Derek

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