Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Pastoral Thought—October 13

 Well today was a good morning for me. It was a long a morning that I missed when the heat of the summer was great. Today I walked Luna again… we went for a longer walk. 

The coolness of the early autumn was a blessing for both me and Luna. 

During the walk, I could help but smile. This was something that I had to share as I continue to work towards being faithful to God—a call we all participate in. 

As the hill on Plains Church road started to slope downward, I anticipated that Luna would begin to pull very hard on her leash. This is normal for Lu. She loves walking. She loves the journey and knows the way well. Yet today she didn’t pull. Rather something else happened. 

Today she noticed…. 

At the top of the hill I casually kicked a small green pod that fell from the tree by the church. I don’t know what tree specifies it is and I don’t know what I kicked. But I casually kicked it. Honestly I was clearing the road because sometimes I slip on those pods and have fallen before. Not today! I thought. 

So I kicked it. And Luna saw that. It rolled and rolled down the street. Down the steep him and around some of the gentle bend in the street. It rolled at a consistent speed and Luna watched it with a cocked ear. Rolling and rolling… I smiled as I watched her. 

I’m sure she thought that it was something interesting or intriguing. But I knew that it wasn’t. It was ordinary and unremarkable. Yet if interested Luna… a lot. 

As she chased it I wondered: what has God gently placed before you that could catch your eye? 

This was nothing special to me. But to Luna it was an enigma wrapped in a mystery: one that had to be solved. Regardless of what I thought it was, for her it was a chance to play and learn. 

In my experience, God seems to put things before us that could invite us to display the same response. My question is: would be notice? And if we did, then what??


Rev. Derek

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