Monday, December 6, 2021

Wonderings--December 6

 This morning I finally found some time for a cherished activity. . . something that I enjoyed with Luna for months and months. . . taking a walk. 

By design just going for a short walk is not transformational. It's just a stroll or chance for some fresh air. Today, I didn't even walk fast enough to get out of breath. I just walked. . . and it felt good. I had been wanting to walk through the Bethesda cemetery for a while now, but I just couldn't, or perhaps wouldn't, make the necessary time in my morning for the walk. 

Today that changed. 

Today I made the time. 

I dropped my backpack and coffee off on the desk gently. Looked around my office for my AirPods and then headed out to enjoy my planned-walk. Zipping my sweater up a bit higher, I made my way toward McConnells and into the cemetery. My audiobook playing in my ears, I enjoyed the cool morning. 

Traffic on the main road was light as I made my way into the cemetery, and so it was quiet. The silence blessed me and I remembered a section of the book that I am reading as part of my morning devotional time with the Lord. 

Katherine May wrote: 

"I flinch away. . . from the carefully noncommittal language that I find online--the internet-spiritual, celebrating the moments in which we're blessed and grateful, but reluctant to pin down by whom we-re blessed or to whom we-re grateful."

Today as I walked I thought about Katherine's words--"being reluctant to pin down" the source of our blessing. And I wondered:  Why do we do this?

Why do we neglect the chance to affirm and confess that God has indeed blessed us? Why do we take something as simple as a light walk and forget that God walks with us? God walks beside us . . . God longs to enjoy the relationship that He has with us. 

I returned to my office after my walk and felt good. Switching on the desk lamp I said down and spend a quiet moment thanking him for the day. 

I wonder if my walk, and the fact that I noticed God while I was walking, made the difference? 


Rev. Derek

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