Thursday, January 18, 2024

I Wonder--January 18

Today I was listening to a new audiobook and something the author said caught my attention. She was speaking about the future and how we perceive it. The section in question that I was listening to was from the introduction and Jane wondered about how long it might take someone to read a new book.

She went on to ask, 'what might happen if you gave yourself 10-years to read that book?' (For some of us, having 10-years to read a book might be freeing or helpful).

Now while that seems like an excessive amount of time, consider Jane's rationale. She says:  

What matters is whether your brain perceives an abundance of time. So give it a try. Give yourself luxurious ten-year deadlines. You might be surprised at how much faster and more happily you do things you’d otherwise put off when you feel time-rich, and therefore more in control of your timeline.”

Jane is not writing or considering ministry in the church or a faithful response to God's revelation. But what if she was?

In ministry we are in the 'long game.' . . Perhaps the 10-years game. Results may come. And those results may take a long time--but they do come because they come in Christ Jesus. And Christ Jesus is faithful. 

Why do we think, or why have we been lead to believe that the results have to come overnight? I wonder what might happen in your life and in your faith if you gave yourself the grace of time and received the grace of the Lord. 


1 comment:

  1. Derek, I love your writing and your perspective. God gives us the time we need to give Him our heart and ourselves.


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