Wednesday, February 28, 2024

I Wonder--February 28

Have you ever stopped to consider what God's answers to prayer sound like in your life? 

Consider them with me for a moment. . . We come to God for a variety of reasons.  This is why space needs to be created when we pray to be still. In the stillness of our hearts, we find room to let our hearts express what is deeply occurring there. Prayer is communing with God on many levels. 

But have you stopped to consider God's response. . . what does it look like and what could it should like? 

Lauren Winner once said these words: 

"Most women are 'sure to remember exactly what the OB or nurse or midwife said--positive or negative.' I wonder what Jesus heard His father say in the garden. Whatever it was let Jesus go on."

Think about that idea for a moment. In the garden Jesus pours His heart out to His Heavenly Father. We know that Jesus asks that the cup pass from His lips on more than one occasion. None of the gospels record what God in heaven said to His Son. But whatever it was, however that response took shape, it gave Jesus the resolve to continue toward the cross undeterred. 

God spoke to His Son and the Son heard it clearly. 

You see, I believe, God always answers our prayers. The challenge that we must face is are we willing to linger long enough to hear the answer. 

I wonder today if you, among a busy and perhaps painful day, can find some room to just stay where God is and listen to hear what God's answer sounds like?  

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