Monday, February 5, 2024

I Wonder--February 5

The Church of Jesus is about to celebrate His Transfiguration once again this weekend. 

Together we will read the gospel account of the Lord taking Peter, James, and John up the mountain where He will be 'transfigured' before them. On that mountain Jesus' appearance on earth will be as close, I believe, as to how He appears in heaven before His Father. Those three disciples will then be confronted with a choice. 

While the choice is not presented in the text--it will live in their hearts for the rest of their lives. 

The choice is simple: what are they called to do, in response, to this revelation from God that takes place on that mountain top? Jesus did not bring them up the mountain, He did not reveal Himself to them, He did not show them Elijah or Moses, just for show or as a display of power solely. Christ invites us, and them, into a partnering relationship. 

As it has been said many times throughout history: we are in this together. 

In the book that I just finished reading it says it this way: 

"Nothing begins with us. The more we pay attention, the more we begin to realize that all the work we ever do is a collaboration [with God.]." 

The season of Lent, which begins on February 14th, is our season of witness and reflection. 

We witness to the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. We witness to what He is willing to endure on our behalf to restore us, and our relationship, to the Father. 

But we also participate, or collaborate as the quotation says, with Him in the spreading of the message of hope and evangelism that comes after the cross. The question for you to ponder today is are you willing to collaborate with Jesus in this work? Are you willing to travel up the mountain, witness what He shows you, and then work alongside of Him in your local community? 

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