Thursday, June 13, 2024

I Wonder--June 13

It has been some time since I last posted, but that does not mean that I have not been thinking or wondering... so it is time to share that wondering with you. 

Today we are getting ready to care for our community. Bags are packed. The canopy is setup and the tables have been moved into position in the parking lot. Soon members of our local community will come to the church and we will care for them. 

I feel blessed by this opportunity. 

Yet a question has been in my mind for days. A wondering. I wonder what stops the Body of Christ from being faithful? I wonder what hinders you and I from practicing our faith consistently with others? 

A few days ago, I was sitting and reading when my iPhone chirped on the table next to me. It was a text message from a member of the church. The message was short but it nearly caused me to jump out of the chair as I read it. The message asked me about our food program and it stated that most of the local food ministries around us were unable to provide food this summer for one reason or another. 

So this person wondered when was our next food distribution scheduled?

There was no judgment in the message and no condemnation because we had not scheduled one. Yet I felt the Holy Spirit sit down in the chair next to me and wonder with me about what impedes the church from her ministry? 

We state that we are busy. We state that our schedules are too full for one more thing. While these are true statements, at times, is it not also true that the Body of Christ is better when we work together serving the local community with the gifts that God has given us? 

Perhaps there is something in your day that is holding you back from caring for your community or your neighbors. 

What would it look like if you followed the lead of the Holy Spirit and began again to care for the people of God? Maybe the Holy Spirit is inviting you to wonder about how to actively care this summer for someone else. Perhaps this conversation is a good way to begin again with the Lord. 

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