Monday, June 17, 2024

I Wonder--June 17

Yesterday in worship the focal point of the message was the concept of 'home.' 

I began by stating that 'home' is not always as safe as we would like, and it does not always contain memories that we cherish. We both know that. Nevertheless, in 2 Corinthians 5 Paul speak to the church at Corinth, a church that he cares deeply for, about 'being at home with the Lord.' I believe that Paul does this for two reasons. 

First, it is his ultimate goal to go home to heaven where he will be with Christ again. Paul has known this for some time and he has spoken about it in other places in the Epistles that he wrote. 

Second, this is also his source of hope while he serves the Lord. For when the world presses down upon Paul (or us today), we hope to find our refuge in Christ.

Being at home with Christ is where we feel the love of God at work in our hearts and, in response to that love, we go out into the mission field and we share what God has taught us.  

So with that in mind, I opened my devotional and I found the following words that I feel link nicely to the concept of home with Christ: 

"Oh, how much energy is wasted! How much time is lost by not letting down the wings of our spirit and getting very quiet (still) before Him! Oh the calm, the rest, the peace which comes as we wait in His presence until we hear from Him!"

When we are still before the Lord, and as we realize that this is part of the invitation to come home to the Lord, something profound and intimate happens to our hearts. All that is around us, and all that presses down upon us, can fade away and our relationship with God grows and matures. 

So as you think about the idea of this week, I wonder where God might place opportunities for you to be still with Him? I wonder what these moments will open up in your heart and who you can share them with. . . 

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