Monday, July 13, 2020

Pastoral Thought--July 13

As Monday continues to chug along, church family, I wanted to share something I read this morning that has stayed with me and I hope it helps you in your busy Monday. But before I do, let me offer some surrounding details to frame this reflection. . . 

After waking up and feeling strong and rested, I decided to take Luna on a run (it has been far too hot to either run, or make Luna run/walk with me). But as it was mild today, we ran a little bit further and longer while I listened to some music. Her tongue hung out of her mouth (literally) as we cooled down and walked the last half a mile. I knew she was happy but thirsty. I sat on my blanket chest in my bedroom in a mixture of exhausting and exhilaration. I was tired and “glistening," but it felt good to run on a cool-ish morning and so I gulped down some more coffee and headed for the day. . . 

The morning here at the office began quickly as I had my weekly Zoom meeting with presbytery colleagues. It was a productive meeting where I shared some helpful material to other churches from Plains. We talked about how Plains fills its pulpit when I am away. About how we handle several other things related to our ministry that helped other churches (I hope). I shared resources with other pastors and reflected with them on a passage from Matthew’s gospel. . . It was a good meeting.

Then I answered the slew of emails related to the on-going ministry at Plains, and on issues of worship. I talked with our CNS director about the potential start date for the school and some practical matters that have arisen (I mean who actually knows if the government is going to let us hold classes in September. . . I’m still a bit fuzzy on it). Then I needed to help Jennifer with some things at home over lunch. 

Finally, I got back to my Mac. 

It has been a good day, but very busy. And I am happy for it. I feel like I have been productive. Nina loaned me a book that I needed finish today and so I finished it. It is a very easy read and I highly recommend it. It is entitled: The Boy, the Mole, the Fox, and the Horse. I won’t spoil the message if you want to read it. But I can say, it is well worth the investment to read. About a third of the way through the book, one of the four characters says: 

"Isn’t it odd. We can only see our outsides, but nearly everything happens on the inside.”

Its a small sentence but quite profound if you think about it. My outside has been very busy today (as evident by the fact that my morning Pastoral Thought is being released around 2pm). I could look frazzled. I could justify looking or acting worn out (I mean I did run an extra mile). But my inside is at peace. I am calm. I have purpose. I feel good. I sense God’s love at work in me and around me. 

I wonder, what that quotation means to you today, on Monday? Does it invite you to think differently about your day? Is it encouraging?  I guess that is up to you. . . 

Rev. Derek

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