Monday, July 20, 2020

Pastoral Thought--July 20

On Monday morning two things are possible: 

1- the week begins with a BANG! I am sure you are familiar with this idea. . . Your foot hits the floor and you are off and running—and this is not always a negative way to begin the week. As you walk down the hall to find the elusive cup of coffee, your mind fills with all the things that need to be attended to. Meetings. Lists. Appointments. To-do lists. Each step closer to the coffee pot, brings a new revelation to your mind. And like I said, this isn’t always bad. Our society is built upon people being driven, competent, and ready to complete what needs completing. These days speak for themselves. 

But there is another possibility. . . 

2- the week can begin in a slog (cue shoulders slumping down your back). You didn’t sleep well. You are worried about much, and those worries, nag at the back of your head longer than you would like to admit if asked by someone. In this scenario, the cup of coffee is a point of release not a tool to facilitate. It is a retreat. A way to hope that things turn around as you shower and prepare to face the day. I know plenty of people who fall into this option. I do not have to say much about this mindset or perspective as it speaks loudly enough without my help or my imagination. 

Today I was closer to the second option than the first, and let me tell you about my morning. . . 

JonMark left early for work which meant Luna left her crate early. Up the stairs she bounded. Around the corner. I heard our bedroom door creak open slowly, and then it happened. . . a blaze of stars filled my vision as she pounced as gently as a 75 pound German Shepard can pounce on anything. She was glad to see us. A gentle lick hit my chin. Then it was over to Jennifer. She straddled her as Jennifer was laying on her side. The same gentle lick on Jennifer's chin. Ugh, I thought. This is going to be fun, I mused. And Luna ran to see what toy she could find that I absolutely had to throw for her. 

Two hours later and I still hadn’t taken her for a run and I hadn’t found the coffee (I was looking forward to run today as a great way too start VBS week). An hour after that I was sitting in front of my computer when my iPhone went off: Emma was done with work early. So I had to run get her (still no run for me. . . which by now wasn’t going to happen). I got a call from a colleague asking for help with a project, and before I knew it, my early day, which was filled with so much promise and hope was a day half over. I had not accomplished what I hoped to accomplish when it started. VBS is less than 6 hours away and I have a lot to do. 

I wonder when was the last time you felt that way? 

You hope for what could have been dashed by what was, and as you thought about it, this new normal was not as appealing as a long walk with your own symbolic-Luna looked to a worn-down soul. If that is the case then perhaps then maybe the words of Julia Cameron can help. In her book, Heart Steps, she writes: 

"I surrender my anxiety and my sense of urgency. 
I allow God to guide me in the pacing of my life. 
I open my heart to God's timing. 
I release my deadlines, agendas, and stridency to the gentle yet often swift pacing of God. 
As I open my heart to God's unfoldings, my heart attains peace. 
As I relax into God's timing, my heart contains comfort. 
As I allow God to set the tone and schedule of my days, 
I find myself in the right time and place, open and available to God's opportunities.

If today has not met your expectations, of if you feel a little off, then Julia’s words are for you today. God has some wonderful opportunities for you, especially when the day seems far too hectic for anything good to come. So lean in and let God’s timing and pacing direct you. . . 

Rev. Derek

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