Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Pastoral Thought--July 22

When this years VBS program was announced, I was curious to learn how the program would unfold in the face of covid-19. Would we be in the Red Phase? The Yellow? Was it possible to be in Green when VBS started? Much was unclear, and so, frustration could germinate. Then as the weeks progressed, and Butler county moved through the “phases” into Green, excitement grew about what was possible. . . as did a sense of curiosity, grow in my and the leaders of the church. And so we asked a lot of questions: 

1- What would this year’s program look like with social distance guidelines and masks? 
2- Would it be possible to care for the young people of our community as we have in previous years? 
3- And of course, all of us asked: Should we do this? 

I am happy to say that on Wednesday morning our program is going well. Our fears, or anxieties unnecessary. God is with us at VBS here at Plains. Sure, we do not have 100+ children testing our ability to teach them, or pushing us with their energy to be louder and more excited. |Learning God’s word now is more intimate and personal. Instead, we have something different that I want to reflect with you on. 

We have 20 children. They sit socially distanced apart in pews and families with masks on as they travel around the church. Those 20 children bring something personal to the program that can speak to us. Each evening when I pray for them I do not have to ‘yell’ over them. I do not get to wind them up by asking questions like: “did you have fun?” And then wait for the screams before I leave the stage. Instead, I have the chance to listen to their answers. I have the chance to interact with them personally. I am so thankful that we decided to hold our VBS program because something happens when we dwell with God and with people.

The primarily source for my doctoral studies, The Rev. Samuel Wells, wrote these words that sum up how we can encounter VBS this year. In his book, Walk Humbly, he wrote: 

"Dwell with God. Walk with God. Immerse yourself in God’s story. Open you existence to God’s essence. Every day, discover more about God’s goodness, truth, and beauty—in scripture, in history, in the world, in the universe, in happiness, in the face of tragedy, in abundant life, in the shadow of death: and call that praise. . . . Abide in the stillness such reflections yield."

(Re-read that quotation slowly this time)

The pacing at VBS is different but we are dwelling with God and immersing ourselves in the stories and growth of the children and the leaders. I wonder, where in your day today can you use Wells’ quotation to dwell with God? And what will you learn from doing so? 

Rev. Derek

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