Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Wonderings--September 13

Recently I have spent some significant time helping a friend with a difficult task. My friend is capable of doing the necessary work, but as I learned as far back as Kindergarten, "many hands make light the work." So I do what I can to be of help. 

Now the task that the two of us are working on is straightforward. I have not been surprised by any aspect of it. Frankly since I have been friends with this person for since college, I knew that together we would see this through. . . and as I reflect on the process, I can see that the work is almost done. 

But as with all things, there is a bit of a cost that must be paid. The cost of this project is simple: time. 

There are only so many hours in the day, and when the hours are spent, the day is done. 

As the project nears its completion, I find my mind is floating toward the work more and more. I am aware of what I must do to get this accomplished. I think about it when I have some free time. While previously my morning walks were filled with devotional readings and prayers, now I find that now I am spending a portion of my morning in reflection on the task. 

I devote part of my sacred time with God to thinking about something that a friend and I are working on, and while this is not a bad thing, I wonder if I am becoming distracted? I can ask this same question of you today for I know that you too are busy and have projects to complete and tasks to be done. But have those tasks infringed upon your time with the Lord? 

Perhaps saying it this way might help: what things in your day keep your focus away from God? 

I do not mean to forsake time with God as I walk in the morning, but I find that it is happening more than I would like. Again, I wonder if I, and if you as you read this, are becoming too distracted? 


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