Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Wonderings--September 7

As I walked to the office today I glanced down at my iPhone's calendar. Already knowing what I would find there I smiled as it opened. I have a full day ahead of me--and this is not a problem at all. 

I have a lunch appointment with some colleagues to discuss scripture. A home visit follows my lunch today. There are a few phone calls that I need to make as I prepare for the weekend's ministry. And tonight the weekly fellowship supper's begin again here at Bethesda. 

Each item in my calendar is important and I know that each is a task from God. But before all that could begin today, I needed a moment. . .

I woke today with a slight headache and that fact put me a step behind in my morning routine. There would not be enough time for a morning walk around the grounds of the church. Yet I knew that I needed it. Sometimes we do not have the time that we need, so we must just pry it away from our schedule. 

As I slowly walked down the driveway toward the cemetery path, I heard my devotional app speaking to me about 'enjoying' God; noticing how God is with me in a busy day. I saw the leaves at the top of the trees just beginning to turn yellow, felt the breeze on my face, and saw the blueness of the sky, as I thought about God enjoying time with me. 

Sam Wells tells us this as he thinks about how God enjoys time with us: 

"To enjoy is to revel in the abundance of the present moment, to soak up all that is here, now, present and available, to put one's hope and trust an energy in things that never run out, to plumb depth rather than anxiously scan for the breadth." 

I think that is what I did as I took a short 10 minute walk. I enjoyed the abundance of the present moment with God. We will always have filled calendars and schedules. I don't know anyone who has ample time and space in their day. But what do have is the choice how to manage our life. We have the call from God to find just a short moment to be enjoy being with Him.

I wonder what your day might look like when you find those moments? 


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