Monday, June 12, 2023

I Wonder--June 12

A short time ago I finished a conversation with JonMark that has me thinking. . . Our conversation has been on-going for the last 2 days; we have added bits and pieces to it through various platforms. It started with a text message while he was at work and then moved into a phone call today. 

He wondered about prayer. . . and I wonder about prayer. 

A few days ago while at work JonMark engaged a co-worker in a conversation about God. This person stated that, although they were raised in the church, they consider themself to be an atheist. 

This person's statement triggered JonMark's mind and he has been considering how to pray for days now. He asks good questions and in our back and forth and I hope that we have blessed each other as we think about prayer. 

Today's call was about the Book of Prayer that sits on my office shelf. 

I talked him through the book and commented on various sections that have helped me over the years as I practice praying. Opening the book to whatever page it likes, I settle on page 22. There written on two pages is the "Breastplate of Saint Patrick."

I re-read portions of the prayer to him over the phone and we move on to other prayerful-thoughts. 

But this was not my first exposure to St. Patrick's prayer. As I read the prayer out loud, I am reminded of how it was taught to me 20 years ago. The words become more than poetic; they become my prayer with my son over the phone. 

"Christ be with me, Christ within me.
Christ behind me, Christ before me,
Christ beside me, Christ to win me, 
Charts to comfort and restore me, 
Christ beneath me, Christ above me."

The prayer is much longer than this, but these few lines have the impact of changing how I think and how I reflect on God with me in this moment. 

You too have been taught to pray in many forms and ways. Perhaps today take some time and remember how you were taught to pray. . . Perhaps like the Breastplate of St. Patrick, you may find God speaking once again to your heart. 

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