Thursday, July 25, 2024

I Wonder--July 25

It has been a wonderful blessing to find the heat of the summer has given way... a bit. Not only has it been a hot summer, but the heat and drained us emotionally and the emotional drain that each of us confess, it can bleed into a spiritual drain that affects us as Christians. 

Now as the humidity of July has subsided (somewhat), I came across the words of Katherine May that spoke truth to me again and I wanted to share them with you. For the summer heat can burn us out and make it hard to remain faithful to the Lord. 

She writes:

"I am only just beginning to understand that my burnout was the result of multiple losses, each one of which seems so small, but I thought it didn't matter. I willingly surrendered my [prayer] time because I thought it would be a vanity to demand it. I gave up reading and time alone and long, hot baths, and walking. I gave up silence, and standing in the garden at sunrise I let those moments become overrun by work and care, and I was surprised to find that, without them, there was nothing left of me.

I wonder how often do you find yourself following Katherine's example? Slowly giving ground spiritually and devotionally for external reason?   

Perhaps this is your invitation to regroup with the Lord... Perhaps you can take some time today and make some space to be with the Lord and 

Rev. Derek

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