Tuesday, July 9, 2024

I wonder--July 9

Having just returned to church from a minor surgery, I have been thinking a lot about how we support each other as the Body of Christ. I have been thinking about how we state that we will support each other but what does that practice look like? 

The first thing that we often say when someone tells us of an impending procedure, or treatment, or diagnosis is: "I will pray for you." Or, "Let me know if there is anything that I can do." Those statements are then often followed up with a well-meaning thought like: 'I need to follow-up with them and see how they are doing.' 

A short text message is considered or a phone call a few days later is planned. We might look at a cute greeting card while in the grocery store or consider a brief email as we check our morning inbox and filter through the clutter and spam.  

But I wonder: how often do we truly follow-up? I wonder how often do we actually sent the note that we promised ourselves? 

Think about that for a minute. . .  How often do you sent the note?

My procedure was simple: a hernia repair. I was home and in my chair before noon. My pain was well managed and between Jennifer, JonMark, Emma, and Autumn I needed nothing. I was never under any type of stress or worry. 

But what about the person that you know who does not have the on-site support that I did this past week? Who promised to send them the note and then did not follow through?  

Perhaps your note, your call, your presence was needed. Perhaps just knowing that you are there is the gentle reminder that they need to know that God has not abandoned, neglected, or forsaken them. 

Perhaps this post is the reminder that we need to send the note today and let someone know that we are thinking of them and that they are not alone in whatever struggle they are going through... 

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