Monday, January 25, 2021

Pastoral Thought--January 25

Today has been a busy, blessed, morning for me. Between meetings, and reading the story of Jonah to the 3-year-olds, I have scarcely found time to sit and think. I am sure my Apple Watch will show me how many steps around the church I have taken—and again, I feel blessed. . . 

As I entered my office for the morning, I picked up the book that I have been reading this week to see what “Thought” God would share with me in our devotions. But I knew that I did not have a lot of time to dedicate to my devotions. Nonetheless, I sat and I read for a few brief moments. The words came from Meister Eckhart, in what he titles, “Sermon VI” touched my heart today. His words blessed me, but like I said, I did not have time to sit with them and contemplate their meaning. 

Again, let me say that I have had a great day, a day of blessing! I hurried off to the sanctuary to turn on the lights and get ready to read to the children of CNS. This is a new task that this school of me, and I am happy to share God’s word with them. This month we were reading about Jonah. . . As the VeggieTales will remind us, “Jonah was a prophet, but he never really got it!” (Sad by true. . ) It’s a great story. As I read each page of the story of Jonah off my iPad, little Mia’s attention as captured! 

The story of Jonah is, and let’s honest here, a little absurd if you think about it. A giant storm coming onto a board because of disobedience? Throwing the prophet of God over-board to solve the problem and stop the storm? . . . And seriously, a fish swallows Jonah and does not digest him! It's a crazy story—and Mia knew it. But Mia, with her bright eyes, and energy, was enthralled by the story and the pictures of it. She could barely sit on the front pew and listen because of God’s word. At pivotal each moment in the story she would look at me and say, “Seriously! Oh my goodness!” It was awesome. The story of God was touching her life, but the end she was super serious; God was there. 

As I read to the children, Eckhart’s words kept coming back to my mind because even in Jonah we hear, if we are listening, words of care and love. God loved Jonah even when he did not listen to a divine mandate/call. God responded to Jonah’s prayer deep in the belly of the fish. God forgave an entire city of Gentiles when their behavior did not mandate such an action. This morning, God was touching Mia’s heart with a story about listening to God and doing what God says. As she left, Mia waved back at me, I wonder what she and God will talk about later. . .  

I hope that this passage from Meister Eckhart blesses you. . . I hope it touches your heart as it did mine. Read it slowly. . . Read it again, and as you do consider what the love of the “Absolute” might be saying to you today! What might God be saying in your life? 

God is love” first because love comes to all, excluding no one. . . 
God is all the best that can be thought or desired by each and every person—and more so!. . . 
Every creature is something finite, limited, distinct, and proper, and those it is already not love. God with his total self is a common love. . . . 
God is love because He loves totally. 
On God’s love toward us note first how much He loves us totally with His whole being; second, how He loves us with the very same love by which He loves and cherishes Himself, his coeternal Son and the Holy Spirit. . . 
It follows that He loves us with the same glory in mind by which He loves Himself. . . 
He loves us “as if He had forgotten everything else,” or almost everything else. . . 
God’s nature, existence, and life consist in sharing Himself and giving Himself totally. 
He is absolutely the Absolute."

Rev. Derek

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