In 2011 the University of Miami conducted a research study that I found fascinating and wanted to share with you. The implications of this study are diverse and offer the church an opportunity for ministry—if we are willing to move toward it. Published in The Journal of Behavior Medicine, this study assessed the relationship between [the] View of God and changes in cellular structure by medical patients. The section of the study and report that caught my eye said this:
To listen. To notice. To "dwell with another person." These are more important than just casual ramblings or niceties, they are essential to the way we live out God's calling. I invite you to come along and consider, "Where have you seen God at work today?"
Thursday, March 18, 2021
Pastoral Thought--March 18
"Among patients better immune functioning is found among those who have an image of God that is more compassionate and loving than those who have images of God as more judgmental and punitive. . . Changes in God image changes [cells] in randomized trials."
This study poses a tremendous challenge and opportunity to us as the church if we stop and think about it.
If it is true that our relationship with God impacts our health and our body’s ability to heal and be restored, then it stands to reason that the church can and should work to help people of our community enrich and develop their personal relationships with God. While we are not called to just ‘wish’ away the suffering of people and encourage them to on a smile and believe in God, we can effect a change in their lives by giving them room and grace. . . We can provide a safe emotional space for one another—without judgment or ridicule. We can help people learn to address how they imagine God being with them in a more helpful way. Again, we do not look down upon their pain or just ignore it, instead when room is created for the other person, ministry opportunities are also created.
As I read this study I being to think wonder if the church is being invited into the healing work of God in the lives of their community. I wonder what our community would look like if we suspended judgment and helped one another find God positively?
As you continue through the rest of this week, and in Lent, take some time to notice how other people express their image of God. When you find someone who sees God only as angry and judgmental, don't necessarily chastise them. Instead, press in. . . Linger with them. . . As you linger you might just challenge their image of God? Who knows you might just become an agent of healing as well. . .
Rev. Derek
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