Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Wonderings--April 20

I wonder if we choose to praise God enough? 

This morning I finally returned to Palmetto Rehab for another dose of therapy on my right knee. For 45 minutes my therapist had me bend, stretch, extend, lift, and work the muscles in my knee in an attempt to strengthen them and increase my range of motion. 

As normally happens, the appointment went well. I worked hard and am a bit sore as I sit and write to you. . . It was a good experience and I was thankful for it. I know that I have some distance still to travel as I heal. But throughout the entire appointment my mind went back to the 'check-in' process. I would like to share it with you this morning.  

As I told the woman working the front desk that I was here, she asked how my Easter was. (She knows I am a pastor). I told her things at Bethesda went so well. I was so thankful for how God was with us and how full the church was with love and family throughout the day. But I said, "I am still a bit tired from the weekend."

I then told her that it was a long weekend because Jennifer and I went to a Christian concert in Charlotte on Saturday. She asked who we saw. . . I said, For King and Country. Frankly, I didn't expect any responses besides a polite one from the receptionist. I am happy to say that I was wrong on this one. 

For the next 10 minutes we talked about Christian music and how it shaped her walk with God. She asked if I knew about certain bands and I did. She asked about others... I knew them too. Those 10 minutes became a time where she could, and did, talk about how, through music, God ministered to her heart at the passing of her father. I listened as she narrated her story through grief and toward healing with God by her side. 

Not surprisingly, the door to the PT gym did not open at all as we talked. I believe that God wanted this woman and I to talk about how the music of TobyMac, Red, and P.O.D. helped shape her life and how she knew that God was with her. 

I smiled as eventually my therapist came and got me, but for those 10 minutes God showed up. 

Looking back, the conversation didn't feel especially holy. Instead, as we talked in the lobby I knew that it was just a chat. But this 'chat' brought a smile to my face--which returns me to my initial question: how often do we choose to praise God? 

Again nothing transformational happened as we talked, but now as I sit here at my desk, I can say that God showed up. And I know that He has a habit of walking into the room when we least expect it. Maybe those unexpected moments are a needed chance to offer Him a word of thanks and praise? Maybe today was just a little blessing that warmed my heart a bit? 

Walking into the gym it was business as usual--sorta. As I warmed up on the stationary bike, I smiled as I remembered the songs we talked about in the lobby. The encounter stayed with me as I left and started the truck and headed to the office. I even put on one of the bands we talked about. 

I wonder if we could choose to praise God more often? 

Rev. Derek

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