Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Wonderings--April 26

I have a story to share with you today, but before I do let me offer a word of clarification regarding what you are about to read. . . I was careful; I was deliberate. I did not, and would not, overdo it. Please don't worry. . . Now that I have offered you some clarification, and likely peaked your curiosity, let's begin my story. 

This morning I finished getting prepared for my day a few minutes early. As I filled my cup and double checked my backpack I thought, "Well you know, if you are careful you could make this happen finally."I sighed and said to Nala, "Don't worry I will be careful. You mom and Jennifer will be very upset with me if I hurt myself." She didn't respond so I took her silence to be agreement with what I was thinking. So off their crates the dogs went. 

Standing alone in the living room I looked at the chair my children purchased for me a couple years ago as a Father's Day gift. Now I like the chair that currently sits in my office. It rocks back and forth and is great. But this chair, with its matching footstool is better. It is more comfortable and easier to read and work from. So I decided to switch chairs (which Jennifer supported). . . The blue one from the church would leave my office and the chevron one would arrive. 

(Yes, you probably guessed how this story ends. . .) 

I carefully took the chair out of the house, placed it on the porch, closed the door behind me, checked the lock, and began the trip to carry the chair to the church. . . while still recovering from a full knee replacement and knowing that I have to be careful. 

Since surgery I knew better than to walk quickly or 'muscle' the chair around. Slowly, deliberately, with a full awareness of where my feet landed with each step, I walked with the chair down the driveway. I stopped about every 10 feet and put it down. I readjust my grip each time and check-in with my knee--there was no pain. 

This is not a heavy chair; the kids bought it from IKEA because it was sold, easy to move, and lightweight. Step by step and stop by stop I worked the chair to the church. The whole trip took quite a while, but I was patient and aware of what I was doing. 

As I arrived at the church I had some help holding the door open and walking in from a parent who dropped of their child. Now the chair sits to my right and I am happy to have it here. But as I think about it, and as I have already read God's word for the morning, I wonder if my choice, the way I addressed moving my new chair to its home, is something that we in the church are called to practice? 

So many of us rush from text to text and through prayer while not stopping to look around and see what might be there. It is as if the completion of the task is more important than the communion which happens in the moment. Perhaps a slow, calm, deliberate approach of God might be the best way to approach Him and grow in faith. . .

Rev. Derek 


  1. You have a truck..right?. We all have others who will help if asked. Some people long to help if only we would ask

  2. Then he wouldn't have this to ponder on.

  3. Some things never change


Can you find rest.... I wonder?

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