Monday, July 11, 2022

Wonderings--July 11

As I have progressed through my busy morning, I have heard a little voice in the back of my mind reminding me of the passage from Amos that was read during worship yesterday. 

Ending the sermon I said the it was our responsibility to listen to God and to each other. We listen to voices that we want to hear and to those who might be more of a bother to us. For in listening we hear more than just what words are being offered--we hear God. To this end I was reminded of something that I read from Katherine May in her book Wintering

Since I read Wintering the first time, I find myself returning to it often and noting material that sticks with me. There are pearls of wisdom, honestly, and humility all over the pages if we are willing to slowly read and consider what Katherine says. 

The book is about the difficult work that some people face of 'wintering.' This is a process that theologically is akin to a "dark night of the soul." Wintering is when we realize that we hurt, we are wounded, and we don't know how to navigate our way through the struggles. So we dig in, hunker down, and wait out the storm knowing that winter does indeed end. In the middle of Katherine's wintering season she writes these words: 

"Here is another truth about wintering: you'll find wisdom in your winter, and once it's over, it's your responsibility to pass it on. And in return, it's our responsibility to listen to those who have wintered before us."

There is a great deal of wisdom in this idea if we in the church are willing accept it and dwell in that liminal space that Katherine speaks about. 

God asks us to share the experiences that we have had with one another. 

Share the pain and share the joy. Share the suffering and the impact of that suffering on us as individuals. We don't have to sugar-coat it because at times we felt pain, we were discouraged, we wondered why is this happening in our world. . . But God also asks that we listen more attentively to the 'other' person who is trying to share their story too. 

Herein is the work of ministry that I think Jesus calls us to in this current climate: listening and abiding with those who are working through their own wintering experience. 

And so I wonder what will it look like in your life to listen and pass on what you have learned? Perhaps God has given you a story that you can share with someone because they need to hear it. . .


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