Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Wonderings--July 19

As I am preparing for the youth retreat this weekend I found that I needed to retreat a little and be with God. I have been working through the necessary tasks and emails that sit on my desk this morning but I noticed that some additional time with God felt necessary. 

Opening my devotions I listened to a reading from Matthew 12. 

The is a familiar passage for many. In the text Jesus is in a home teaching God word. While he is in the place his mother and brothers appear at the doorway wishing to speak with him. We know that he does not receive them directly but offers us the invitation to participate in His ministry as a way to become part of his family. We become his mother, brothers, and sisters by doing what God commands of us. 

Yet it was something else that I heard about this passage that I want to share with you now. . . 

Consider why Mary, the Mother of Jesus, comes to see her son? 

Just one chapter ago, we read that Mary's nephew, John the Baptist, sends his disciples to Jesus with a question. They wanted reassurance that while John was in prison, that the Messiah was in the world. John spoke against Herod and his relationship with his niece who "danced before the company, and she pleased Herod" (Matthew 14:6). We know that John's outspoken stance resulted in him being beheaded. . . And Mary knew her nephew was in trouble when she comes to the door in chapter 12. I don't know for certain when exactly the timeline of Matthew 12 and 14 occurred, but John was in prison at this point and Mary knew this.

This leads to an interesting choice for Mary wanting to see her son. And this also gives us an interesting idea to think about today. 

We do not always have to come to Jesus for spiritual teaching and food. Sometimes we come to Jesus because there is a pain in us, a fear in us, and anxiety growing, a need to see what we believe in. Sometimes it helps to try and physically grasp the Lord whom we trust because the world around us, and the struggles we see each day, mount up against us. 

Perhaps you have recently experienced a time when you just needed to hold the hand of the Lord and feel the warmth of his touch. You would not be alone in needing this time with Jesus. I wondered if that was what I needed as I took a break at my desk and prayed. 

Perhaps hearing him affirm that he with you is balm that you wounded heart needs. Again, you would not be the first person who felt this way.  

I wonder if you were in Mary's shoes right now, what would bring you to Jesus' side? 



Can you find rest.... I wonder?

As I get ready to meet with the children of our day care for our weekly chapel conversation, I was reading a portion of Hannah Whitall Smith...