Thursday, July 21, 2022

Wonderings--July 21

More often then I like to admit I find that my peace is. . . volatile. I do not mean that I am angry or become upset easy, but instead the peace that I feel in my heart, my peace from God, peace that leads me toward my service of God, seems to bubble away so quickly. . .  Quicker than I would like. At that moment I feel the volatility of peace around me. 

And this is just the spiritual side of how I am feeling now. There is much in our social lives that causes my peace to feel rocky and unstable. As covid has come into our home and Emma slowly recovers, I find myself antsy for life to return to 'normal' for her and for us. This says nothing about inflation, gas prices, social violence, and political dissent. 

Finding peace can be hard in these moments. . . 

In response to this idea I thought of the words of Hadewijch of Antwerp as I read from the Old Testament. She spent her life in a state of poverty and contemplation considering how God's peace, and our call to serve the Lord, intersect. 

She wrote these words for us: 

"Be on your guard, therefore, and let nothing disturb your peace. Do good under all circumstances, but with no care for any profit, or any blessedness, or any damnation, or any salvation, or any martyrdom; but all you do or omit should be for the honor of Love. If you behave like this, you will soon rise up again. . . Be good toward those who have need of you, devoted toward the sick, generous with the poor, and recollected in spirit beyond the reach of all creatures. 

And even if you do the best you can in all things, your human nature must often fall short; so entrust yourself to God's goodness, for his goodness is greater than your failures."

It can be easy to loose your peace these days. I find it happening more often then I would like to admit to myself. But if we follow Hadewijch's words then we can find ourselves relying on God in these moments to smooth out the rough edges of life and calling us toward faithfulness once again. We can rediscover our peace. 

I wonder if you have found yourself feeling as I do--your peace being shaken? If so, I wonder what response or words you might offer to God? Perhaps the two of you could find a way to recenter and care for your community. . . 


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