Wednesday, January 4, 2023

I wonder--January 4

Sometimes things get out of hand. . . Not in a bad way; just out of hand. And even though we have good intentions as the day begins, sometimes, that best-of-intentions take us to a place that we do not want to go. 

That was my morning today. Let me explain: 

After taking my morning walk I settled at my desk and opened my devotional. I am currently finishing one book and beginning another so there is a bit of an overlap. So for one more day I read two devotions in the morning as I start each day. 

Finishing the first one, I closed it, slide it across my desk, and I write in my journal for a couple minutes. 

Finishing today's entry, I sighed. Task complete. 

Next, I opened my email, I grabbed my file folder from last night's meeting, and I started to rattle off tasks in my head that I wanted to complete before my noon zoom meeting. Instantly my fingers attack the keyboard to compose some emails. At the same time, I flipped through my iPad as I picked today's story for chapel with the children at the Day Care and I sipped some coffee. 

I was being very productive. . . or was I? 

Remember I have a second reading to complete this morning.  

Just behind my laptop, I could see the edge of my second devotional poking out, inviting me, to slow down this morning and read. I literally pushed everything else away and sat back and read the entry for today; these were words that I needed.  

There are times when the tasks of the day are so important, so necessary, that we cannot neglect them. But more often than not, a simple re-orientation is what God asks us. God wonders if we will just put away our quest for productivity; will we dwell with him? 

No one means to push our necessary God-time away, but that happens more than we like. I wonder how your day could be different? I wonder if you might push away that which could distract you from God and just dwell with him? How might that make a difference? 

Blessings. . . 

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