Thursday, August 17, 2023

I Wonder--August 17

I am freshly back from a week in Black Mountain, NC. Jennifer, JonMark, Emma, and I spent the weekend away celebrating our 24th anniversary. It was a wonderful time of family and friendship as we shopped, ate, and enjoyed ice cream together. 

I look this picture one afternoon as I sat out front of the house while reading my book. This tree strikes me as symbolic of the struggle that we face as the church and as individual Christians living and working in this world. 

Our host told us that about this tree when I asked. But before I tell you what he said, take a moment and examine the tree for yourself. . . What do you see? What has happened to the tree? . . . (I will wait.)

I was told that this tree was assaulted by one of the local black bears who frequent the area. This bear enjoys the berries that live on the trees all over the mountainside. I learned that this particular bear came up to the tree and, well, broke it half while searching for more berries to enjoy. Now what is left of the tree blows in the wind and sits before you as it sat before me that day. 

And I wonder if you feel like that tree? Assaulted by life? Broken? You were going about your day and suddenly something as sharp and painful as a bear breaking a tree came in your life and split you nearly in half. . . 

As I sat there thinking about this tree and enjoying the cool afternoon breeze, I began to wonder about what steps I should take when I feel as broken by life as this tree? The tree looks like I feel sometimes--and I bet it looks like you feel at times also. 

If that is the case then maybe take some time, right now, to talk to God about it. Be honest about feeling broken and wounded by something life as painful as a bear attack. 

God will listen. In fact, I think that God enjoys listening to us share our hearts. Perhaps that might be away to move away from the wound and toward healing in Christ? 

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