Wednesday, August 2, 2023

I Wonder--August 2

It has been one week since Jennifer and I made the trip to Slippery Rock to pick up JonMark. We drove to Pennsylvania on a Sunday afternoon, loaded to trailer on Monday morning, and returned to York on that same Monday evening. . . It has now been a week since he has been here. 

Part of that week has involved running around the area with him to help him get settled. We made 3 trips to the DMV to get his license transferred (the camera was broke. Never seen that happen. . .). We ran here and there buying groceries, a side table for his printer, and getting his mail transferred home. 

For this last week I have sat either in the passenger's seat or backseat of his Jeep--he loves driving. And as I sat there I did something that I don't often get the chance to do because I normally drive. I looked out the window at my neighbors and community. 

I noticed a lot-- far too much to comment on in this medium. But when I compare what I saw out the window with the food distribution program that Bethesda is leading, I remembered the words of Kate Bowler. There is so much need in this community.  

In a recent article, Kate, who teaches at Duke Divinity school, wrote this statement which has stayed with me. She said: 

"Bless you, you who are so worth caring for.
You are worth having your needs met.
Your pain does not disqualify you from love."

I wonder today if know what Kate is talking about? I wonder if you can feel the emotion of those words in your soul? Whom do you know who fits into these words because I can think of people who I saw this week as I rode with JonMark or sat with him in an office. . . Their pain, their need, does not disqualify them from your love and from your care? 

Take a moment today and notice them. . . What is God saying to you? 

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