Yesterday afternoon, as I thought more about my grandparents house (which was something I referenced in the message), I remembered another story from my childhood that seems applicable to our context and struggles today. . .
To listen. To notice. To "dwell with another person." These are more important than just casual ramblings or niceties, they are essential to the way we live out God's calling. I invite you to come along and consider, "Where have you seen God at work today?"
Monday, August 31, 2020
Pastoral Thought--August 31
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Pastoral Thought--August 27
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Pastoral Thought--August 26
Throughout the summer, and in some of these pastoral thoughts, I have spent significant time re-telling you stories about running with Luna. From people being welcoming and friendly to her and to me, to being a bit rude while driving too close to us on the road, Luna and I have encountered the local neighborhood here at Plains together. And for the most part, I have enjoyed my time with her.
But that has stopped. . . she and I have not been running now for at least a week and probably longer if I thought about it. As of this moment, I cannot put my finger on exactly why I have not run with her.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Pastoral Thought--August 25
How alone are you? Notice that I did not say, “how alone do you feel?” That is a different question with a different set of answers to it. Often times, the expression of feelings (i.e loneliness) is different from perceived reality (being alone physically) that we are experiencing. . .
Monday, August 24, 2020
Pastoral Thought--August 24
Happy Monday Church family,
Thursday, August 20, 2020
Pastoral Thought--August 20
Last night before bed I picked up the book that I am reading to enjoy the next chapter before I drift off to sleep. Bianca is laying by my feet, tucked into her little ring of blankets. As I pick up the book, she snores and sighs as always. Truth be told, while I do love reading and studying during the day, when it comes to reading before bed, I’m lucky to finish a short chapter (I might be lucky sometimes to even finish a few pages). My eyes get heavy as soon as I lay down and turn down the lights in our bedroom to read.
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Pastoral Thought--August 19
I was reading an article this morning by Matt Bloom entitled, “A Commitment to Personal Rituals can Sustain Clergy, even During a Pandemic” that I wanted to share with you this morning. The full text can be accessed at:
"Building solid ground continues by engaging in at least one joyful practice on a regular basis. Joyful practices foster positive, peaceful, hopeful thoughts and feelings. Examples include centering prayer, lectio divina, hymn singing, the reading of beautiful poems, walking meditation, listening to hopeful music and jubilant dance. . . . Even five minutes of a joyful practice each day will produce meaningful benefits over time."
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
Pastoral Thought--August 18
I was re-reading a portion from Brian McLaren’s most recent book entitled, The Great Spiritual Migration, when I came across these words that he wrote. . .
Monday, August 17, 2020
Pastoral Thought--August 17
A couple weeks ago I found myself re-reading a book that I purchased some time ago. I have read it so many times that there are coffee stains holding some of the pages together. But every time I read it, the book speaks to my soul in a very personal way. The author, Dr. M. Craig Barnes, is the current President of Princeton Theological Seminary. When I found this book, Dr. Barnes was serving as both the pastor of Shadyside Presbyterian Church in downtown Pittsburgh, and working on the faculty of Pittsburgh Theological Seminary.
Thursday, August 6, 2020
Pastoral Thought--August 6
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
Pastoral Thought--August 5
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
Pastoral Thought--August 4
Monday, August 3, 2020
Pastoral Thought--August 3
Saturday, August 1, 2020
Pastoral Thought--August 1
Can you find rest.... I wonder?
As I get ready to meet with the children of our day care for our weekly chapel conversation, I was reading a portion of Hannah Whitall Smith...
A lot has changed since the last time I sat down to write. But despite the crowded-ness of my mind and heart, God is still showing up and st...
I wonder, what makes a sacrament? The Book of Confessions tells me that a sacrament is: " a holy ordinance instituted by Christ in hi...
Last night I tried a new experiment that I want to reflect with you upon. Over the years, and because of our love of dogs, Jennifer and I h...