Last night before bed I picked up the book that I am reading to enjoy the next chapter before I drift off to sleep. Bianca is laying by my feet, tucked into her little ring of blankets. As I pick up the book, she snores and sighs as always. Truth be told, while I do love reading and studying during the day, when it comes to reading before bed, I’m lucky to finish a short chapter (I might be lucky sometimes to even finish a few pages). My eyes get heavy as soon as I lay down and turn down the lights in our bedroom to read.
To listen. To notice. To "dwell with another person." These are more important than just casual ramblings or niceties, they are essential to the way we live out God's calling. I invite you to come along and consider, "Where have you seen God at work today?"
Thursday, August 20, 2020
Pastoral Thought--August 20
But that is not the case with this book. The book that I am reading is an easy read that requires very little concentration to follow the author’s story. This also helps my mind relax also as I end my day.
The book, written by Erin and Ben Napier, is their story. It begins when they were children and, as of last night, the story is following them as they start a small business in their hometown of Laurel, Mississippi. Each chapter is written in a different font—one font for Erin, and another for Ben. They are telling their story, in their voice, to us.
In this chapter, just as they have begun their married life together, it is Ben’s turn to tell the story. At this point in his journey, Ben is a Methodist youth pastor who is preparing to give his “come to Jesus” talk to the kids of his church. He looks forward to it and has the talk polished up just right. He writes:
“Those were simple truths with enormous power" (he is talking about God’s love for us). He continues on, “Believing them and living by them could change everything about their future. Following the blueprint God made for you doesn’t mean you’ll be perfect or holier than or a model example of faith, honestly, and greatness. It doesn’t mean that you won’t fail constantly, because you will, But if you do, you’ll hear Him whisper, “It’s oaky. That’s in the plan. Now, keep going and keep your eyes on me. I’ll help you.” “
Jennifer and I have been watching the Napier’s for a while on HGTV and we love their honesty and their commitment to Jesus that comes out in the book, and also in their show. For me that last sentence which Ben wrote, about everything being in God’s plan, spoke to me last night.
I. . . we. . . don’t like to believe that our failures, or our struggles, or the momentary weakness that we suffer from, are anything more than Satan harassing us. And while that may be true to some level, Ben’s words made we stop reading and consider, what areas of my life are ‘in the plan’ that I do not think are?
We know that all things work for good for those who love the Lord, but where are the places in my day, or in your week, that God’s love and presence seem far off, and by seeming far off, they appear to separate you from the love and grace of God?
I put the book down, turned off the light, and thought about that until I fell asleep. . .
Rev. Derek
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