Thursday, August 27, 2020

Pastoral Thought--August 27

Let’s have a brief history lesson. . . don’t worry they won’t be a test. 

In early March many colleges began to worry about their students safety. This strange disease was ‘over there’ but it seemed to be tracking toward us. What would happen if it made its way here? Then, by the middle of March schools were shutdown opting for a virtual connection from this point onward. My children brought home their material and completed their school years in their bedrooms. We didn’t understand much of this meant, or how to deal with it, and it troubled us. 

Our governor instituted a ’shelter in place’ order which lasted. . . I don’t remember exactly how long. But it was something we didn’t understand. I read that because of the limited driving that was occurring, the Richter scale showed that the earth was ‘rattling’ less. That conclusion was weird and we didn’t know what to do with it. 

As the church on March 15th, Ron, Tim, Kathy, and I started virtual services that were broadcast over Zoom and, eventually, Facebook. . . This continued through the end of Lent. We didn’t worship in person totally on Easter. It was rough. We learned a new way to partake of communion, and while we felt a little joy because we were being adaptable, this was still hard.  

At that time our schools were unclear about how to proceed for the upcoming year. Should they open? Should they be virtual? What about a combination? What about graduation??? Many of us have graduates and we want to celebrate with them. We couldn’t do that. . . and it hurt. 

Then the summer began and school boards met and took a lot of abuse by parents for what they were, or were not, doing. They made plans and then the virus forced them to change plans almost weekly. Now we are getting close to school starting again, and (insert ’sigh’) I don’t know what this new year is going to look like. . . 

I am wondering if you feel overwhelmed yet? 

Just re-reading that short narrative makes me shake my head in disbelief. How far have we come. . . and how far must we sill go? Now I know the cynical answer to my question is something like, ‘duh pastor, I’ve been overwhelmed since March. Nothing has changed except that everything has changed almost daily.’ But let’s stop and think about that for a moment (not the answer but the feeling). 

Today I got the chance to run with Luna again. This morning it was muggy and I didn’t run as quickly as I usually do. She was overjoyed to be with me, and I was happy to run with here. But as I ran, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was different. I still felt overwhelmed by the changes that I am being forced to make in my world. Yet as I finished the run, I walked up Plains Church Rd, I was struck by the need to breath (and not because I am beat tired after running—which I was). I need to breath with the Lord. I need to take a step back. Slow down. Recover. Fall into God’s presence and let God love on me and care for me? 

I wonder, am I the only one??? Perhaps if you feel this overwhelmed, this overworked, this tired, maybe it's an invitation from God to receive the care God intends for you? 

Rev. Derek

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