Thursday, June 10, 2021

Pastoral Thought--June 10

As you read yesterday, I have received my latest injection into my right knee. Happily I can report that my pain and discomfort is gone as my range of motion increases. But today I want to tell you a story about the time of transition between receiving the shot and regaining full range of motion. 

After I got home, and my bandaid was removed, I found a slight bruise on the right side of my kneecap on the injection site. It was certainly sore, but not unexpected. So I decided to gather my laptop and give my knee the time that it needed to absorb the medication. I placed a pillow beneath my knee so that it could gently bend over the pillow and be fully supported. With my laptop resting on my lap, and my knee resting on the pillow, I began to check and respond to emails as I also continued to research and read in preparation for Sunday morning. 

About 30 minutes into my reading, I heard a quiet, low, growl. . . Bianca was next to the couch. Staring up at me she sat there with her tail wagging looking at me expectantly. I smiled and went back to reading. The low growl began again. It was not obtrusive so I ignored it. I knew that she has had breakfast (and likely second breakfast since Bella won’t finish her food). I knew that Bianca had been out, so there was no pressing need. A trick I learned when Bianca gets pushy like this is to close my eyes so she thinks that I am asleep (don’t laugh, it works). Sometimes that makes her stop growling. . . But not today. With one eye opened (the one she couldn’t see) I kept reading. 

The barking was getting louder. Her head was no leaning back, and her eyes were bulging. She was ’needing’ the side of the couch now. 

I beckoned her up to join me. . . The barking continued. I asked her to ‘get up here’ louder. I swatted at her to try and encourage her to jump up, she didn’t. Emma yelled from the basement for her to come down there, but Bianca just stood there, holding her ground, and barked all the more. Her little white tail wagging violently back and forth. 

I looked at her and said, (and yes I actually said), “Is there something that you need? Or are you just trying to irritate me?” . . . The barking and growling continues. 

I put down my laptop and stood up on my sore knee. I have acquiesced to whatever is on her mind. She runs around my feet barking and rolling over while still circling me. Yes, she can do that. It's adorable to watch. After determining that she doesn’t need anything, I pet her head and return to my pillow and laptop (remember my knee is sore). You know what happens next. . . She comes back over to the couch and barks, growls again. At this point, I am getting a bit frustrated by her. 

I look at Luna who is laying a few feet away watching. . . “Luna,” I say, “Will you deal with her.” Nothing happens. Luna keeps laying there with her favorite toy beside her. I say, ‘You’re no help." 

Now in case you think that this has happened over a couple minutes, let me put that idea to rest too. It has now been about 30 minutes of barking, growling, and rolling over. Bianca won’t quit. I even think, “Well she will get tired soon and stop.” Nope. Doesn’t happen. She keeps at it. Then I remember the words of Phileena Heuertz that I just read before this incident began.

“It is even more difficult to stay connected to our souls in daily life, amid a myriad of competing demands, needs, and responsibilities. Staying connected to our true self is all the more challenging when others confront us with anger, aggression, or manipulation.” 

The whole scene with Bianca was challenging to deal with. I was not angry just a bit exasperated. I had things that I wanted to do and she was keeping me from them. But as soon as I sat down on the floor and put the laptop on the ottoman next to me, I learned why Bianca was barking. All Bianca wanted was to be close to me. She climbed into my lap and laid down archers it. Soon she went to sleep as I stroked her back. Snoring replaced the barking. And as she snored, I felt more connected to my soul and I felt inner peace growing in my heart. 

I wonder what distraction has come into your life today? Perhaps it is an opportunity to change the perspective and feel the love from someone else? 

Rev. Derek

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