Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Pastoral Thought--June 23

 Oh boy…. This has not happened to me before. 

Last evening, I went to Target to run a quick errand after our neighbor and Rich helped me fix Jennifer’s car. This was the same errand that you have run countless times—just a quick ‘in and out.’ My first stop was the pharmacy for a pickup. Sadly it was after 8pm so they were closed. I smirked and thought ‘wish I checked the time before leaving the house.’ But I  continued onward walking toward my next stop in the back of the tore. They did not carry the item that I needed either. I thought, ‘well this is a pointless trip.’ About that time I received a message from Jennifer. It read: 

“While you are out something sweet would be nice.” 

Say no more. . . I can get a sweet-treat! I walked back across the store to the grocery area and selected some Dove chocolate to share with Jennifer, JonMark, and Autumn (who stopped by for dinner). This trip was not unlike many other trips I have made in the last week. Nothing special and nothing to report that is life-altering.  Until. . . As I rounded the final main aisle and headed toward the registers things changed. I walked past a family who was not in a hurry; I did not mind. Honestly, I walk faster that a mother pushing a cart with a child in it. This did not strike me as noteworthy and so I kept walking briskly toward the door. But then, about 20 yards in front of me, I saw a older man appear by the school supplies. He looked back and forth across the store. 

He was not old in a traditional sense. He seemed vibrant, alert, and outgoing. This man was not lost in any sense. His white hair spoke about his age but did not mark him as unique or different. He made eye contact with me. Then looked over my head while gazing off into the distance. Then as I got closer he again made eye contact. As I got within ear-short the man said something—but I did not hear him. My AirPods were resting comfortably in my ears as I walked through Target.  I smiled and clicked off the show by squeezing the “Pod” in my left ear. Simultaneously I smiled and said, “sorry, I didn’t hear you.” Taking another step toward me he began to ask his question again; this time with less conviction. He broke off in mid-sentence, his eyes noticed the rest of my outfit. This is an important detail in our story today and speaks to why he engaged me. 

You see, I was wearing gray sweatpants and flip-flops. But I was also wearing a bright red shirt!. . . Like an employee! 

He looked down at my shirt and finished his thought, “Guess I confused you with someone who works here.” 
I replied, “No problem.” As I turned I saw his wife walking toward him with ’that look.’ You know the one. It's the, ‘Oh honey, who are bothering now’ look. And I walked away to resume my evening. But why? 

This man needed some guidance. He was looking for something, and l likely knew where to send him. I have shopped at Target more times than I can count. I would rather go there than any other store around Cranberry. I might just have the information that he needed in my mind. Even if what he was looking for was obscure, I could get him into the general area. Yet, I kept walking. I could help and yet I did not help. 

The closer to the registers I got the more convicted I felt. Sure, it is not my job to help every stranger in a retail establishment find their toothpaste, or a loaf of bread, or dish soap. But what would it have cost me to try? What harm would have come from taking a moment to see if I could help a stranger in a store? Maybe I could and maybe I could not. I had nowhere to be that was emergent. The two extra minutes would not even be noticed in my evening. I had the space and the time, but not the desire.  

As I started up the car and backed out of the parking spot I wondered: How many times do I have the choice to engage a person, in what could be a meaningless conversation, but is in fact a conversation that God brought forth? How quick am I to ‘click’ my AirPods on, or find another distraction, and by doing so I miss the chance to witness for Christ, through my actions? 

I guess that I will never know what could have been. But the encounter gave me reason to pause. I wonder what would happen when you have the same choice presented to you?

Rev. Derek

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