Tuesday, May 2, 2023

I Wonder--May 2

Several years ago I completed the requirements for my Doctorate of Ministry in Missional Leadership. The three years it took me to finalize my paper, and research, were some of the most challenging, and yet meaningful, times that I have experienced as a pastor. 

The lesson that I learned from my research and practice was that a ministry of presence, of story-sharing and listening, is a more effective methodology of encountering the community in which God places us. Time and again I have witnessed this process working. 

Today let me share you with my morning. . . 

Jennifer and I scheduled to have our couch professional cleaned today at 8am. Having never scheduled this work I wondered how it would go and what the results would be. Shortly after 8am a white van pulled up and a local husband and wife came to the door and began unpacking and preparing to clean the couch. 

They were friendly and very professional. While I sipped a cup of coffee I learned about their family. I learned about the faith in God and where they go to church. They shared joys with me and some of the struggles which they face. On and on our conversation flowed back and forth with them doing most of the talking. . . most of the story-telling. 

A little before 10 they finished up and pulled their van out of the driveway and off to the next appointment. 

It was a deep conversation that took place while the cushions of my couch were cleaned. It was unscripted and informal. And as they left I knew how I could pray for them and I felt called to pray for them. Listening is not a hard thing to do. Just taking note of where God is in the life of another person is easier than it sounds. It just takes time and patience. 

I wonder today if you could find someone to listen to, and take what you hear back to the Lord in prayer? 

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