Monday, May 1, 2023

I Wonder--May 1

Over the weekend Jennifer, Emma, and I did a lot of work around the manse here at Bethesda. We had bushes to trim and some to remove, there was weeding to do, and grass that needed re-seeding in some places. Completing a task only meant we found two more that needed our attention. 

There was so much work that after 3 full days I have not even begun to work in the backyard. 

While it was a joy to work together as a family, it was also exhausting. 

Muscles all over my body are aching. Friday, as I fell into my chair, I needed help to get my shoes off because my back hurt so much and I could not make a fist with my left hand because of the machines I was working with. In Sunday School I let my left arm dangle because it was 'tingling' from all the work. 

But again, we were together as a family, and I thank God for the ability to work outside with the people who I love so deeply. 

But the by-product of this work has been unrestful sleep. It has been hard to find a comfortable position to alleviate the pain in my neck, back, and shoulders. I often have a headache as I lay down and need some ice and Advil to help me fall asleep. But while Jennifer and I have struggled to find restful sleep this weekend, I often found myself, at odd intervals, in the dark. . . praying. 

As I think back to my weekend of night-time prayers, I remember something that Harry Fosdick wrote. He said that "Mankind never outgrows prayer." 

Whether I am with someone at the church who is suffering, or whether I cannot sleep because of pain, I have the chance to speak with God consistency. I may read my Bible differently from when I was in high school. I may serve at church differently from how I started 20 years ago. Yet my need to pray and my words of prayer have not changed that much. 

I have not out-grown it. . . 

Since I believe that Fosdick is correct in his assertion, I wonder about your prayer time? As you return to it, as you practice praying, maybe today notice how the act of bowing your head, and folding your hands, and closing your eyes has remained the same for a long time. Perhaps in that realization there is something that you and God can talk about? 

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