Thursday, April 27, 2023

I Wonder--April 27

I am not familiar with anyone in the church who does not believe that prayer works. 

Now this is different than saying that 'God answers all of my prayers,' because let's face it, that is not always true. 

I have prayed as faithfully as I know how and my prayers were not answered in a way that I prayed. When I have prayed for and with loved ones, and then they do not recover, this is not a failing of prayer. It instead means that my prayer was answered differently from the way I vocalized them. 

So again, we know that prayer works. But have you noticed that a praying-attitude leads you to pray more consistently? I wonder if you noticed that the more you pray, the more committed you are to prayer, the more people gather around you seeking your prayers in their lives? The more we pray, the more prayer can build up in our lives.  

To demonstrate this, allow me to share a story I read this week. . . 

A certain church was known to be a body who prayed diligently and faithfully for the needs of the community and each other. 

Each week the church shared their hearts; pouring themselves out in honesty to one another. These prayers and postures began in the lives of just a few people, but before long the attitude was spreading around the community. The needs were still serious. More people felt open to share their pain and struggles with one another. And the church welcomed these needs and they prayed together. 

Then one day the phone rang at the church. On the other end of the line was a woman from another country. She was in distress; she suffered. Through broken English the woman explained that she needed help. But the help that she sought was not fiscal or physical; she wanted the church to pray for her. That was all she wanted. "Pray for me." 

What an extraordinary thing. 

The church could pray for someone they would not likely see in their community. They could hold that person up to God and trust God to be with the woman and her situation. . . And so they prayed. I don't know how the story ends, but I suspect that the prayers kept coming for this woman. 

When we pray we are molded and shaped by the petitions and intercessions we offer. The more we pray the more our hearts can be transformed into the heart of Christ. 

I wonder if right now you might find another moment in your day to offer prayers for someone you normally might not pray for? Notice how that feel and notice how it changes you? 

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