Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Reflections for Holy Week--Tuesday

 Opening Prayer:  

Come Lord Jesus Christ, fill our hearts with the light of your Spirit, so that by following you on your final journey, we may come to know the price of our Redemption and share in the fruits of your Passion, Death and Resurrection.  For the glory of  you who lives and reigns for ever and ever we pray. Amen.

Mark 14: 43-46
While Jesus was still speaking, Judas, one of the Twelve, arrived, accompanied by a crowd with swords and clubs, who had come from the chief priests, the scribes, and the elders. His betrayer had arranged a signal with them, saying, "The man I shall kiss is the one; arrest him and lead him away securely." He came and immediately went over to him and said, "Rabbi." And he kissed him. At this, they laid hands on him and arrested him. 

Sit in with the Lord for a moment and notice where your attention was drawn in this reading from Mark 14. . . As you sit with God, follow the link below and listen to the prayer as a way to begin thinking about what is happening in Jesus' life. . . .

Reflection Question:
Where in your life do you betray Jesus? 

What motives that betrayal? 

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