Tuesday, April 11, 2023

I wonder--April 11

I have been considering a question that I heard before Holy Week. . . When did the fish discover the water? 

Think about that for a second. 

The fish was born in the water. A fish lives out its entire existence in the water. For some fish, they die in the water never having known that the 'water' was there--supporting them, sustaining them. It is only when the fish is caught, in a net or on a hook, that it gasps for the water that once nourished it. The fish may not have any understanding that it was once in the water. But now in its moment of struggle, and perhaps in the moment of mortality, the fish longs for what I once knew. The fish longs to return to the water.  

And I wonder if we are like the fish after Easter? 

Christ has always been around us. Walking beside us. Living in our hearts. Jesus has been guiding us. Listening to our prayers and teaching us in Lent. 

Then He was gone. Then He was betrayed. He died. And our lives this past weekend felt less; our lives felt a little less. Even as the Easter egg hunt brought us joy, something was missing. As the rain fell from heaven we could almost feel Creation itself weeping because the Messiah was gone. . . Gone from our lives. 

Now we know that He came back; we celebrated His resurrection Sunday. 

But it was when Jesus died. When we read the words together in worship that the gravity of what happened to the Son of God made us long for the Jesus who walked beside us, who taught us, who fed us. In many ways we can be like the men on the road to Emmaus. . . Our hearts burn because that which was lost is now found. 

This weekend when did you discover that Jesus was gone? When did you become like the fish realizing how much was sacrificed so you could breathe again in the water with God? 

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