Tuesday, May 9, 2023

I Wonder--May 9

Yesterday I received a text message from my sister that troubled me. 

For a number of years I have been aware of a legal case taking place at my former high school. The case dated back to the time when I attended that school. While at the time I had absolutely no idea about what would take place in the future, I did become aware of the case several years ago and was upset by what I read. 

I remember shaking my head in a mixture of confusion and sadness; I did not understand. My little hometown has seen its share of suffering over the years and this just added to it. 

Closing the message from my sister I finished making supper and thought nothing more about her message--until this morning. I followed the link that Meleny sent me and I read the story. As I 'clicked' out of my web browser I reached for my devotional, I began to read. While there was nothing I could do about the news story, I felt some time with the Lord would help. 

The reading for today is taken from Ezekiel 33. Rather than comment on the text directly, I invite you to read it yourself. It is self-explanatory. 

Ezekiel 33 tells me that I have a responsibility as a Christian to my sisters and brothers. I can proclaim the Gospel faithfully and truly, but I am also called in the text to be and to do more. Pressing outward from the text I wonder how we might be called to be present in difficult situations and with difficult people? 

Now take the story that I began with: the suffering in my hometown and hold it up. . . 

I do not live there. I will likely not be back any time soon. I do not know the people involved directly and I have no sphere of influence in their lives. Even from York any angry words I offer would just be noise on social media and nothing more. But yet I am called by God to do something when injustice is present. 

I remember the words of Henri Nouwen, a teacher and writer who has offered me so much truth and learning in my faith journey. He wrote: 

"When I pray for the world, I become the world; when I pray for the endless needs of millions, my soul expands and wants to embrace them all and bring them into the presence of God."

As I think on those words, and reflect on my role as a herald from Ezekiel 33, I find a way to reach out and support the suffering in my hometown even though I do not live there any longer. I can expand my heart and lift this painful, tragic, situation up to the Lord. I wonder if this is example is also that we can follow when suffering comes into our world? 

Can we expand our hearts? Can we pray? Can we follow Ezekiel 33's example and serve God faithfully? 

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