Thursday, May 7, 2020

God is with Me--Pastoral Thought, April 7, 2020

I was reading Simone Weil (pronounced ‘veil’) this morning in a book I cherish and was blessed by what I was reading. 

Simone was a French activist who lived and worked during the World War I. She is perhaps best known for her work on the relationship between prayer, God, and Holy Communion where she senses Jesus “taking her by the hand” and leading her into great reflections. In her book, Waiting for God, Weil reflects on the the Lord’s Prayer clause by clause for us inviting us to consider how deeply they are connected to God and to us. 

Considering “Our Father which art in heaven” she writes:

"He is our Father. . . 
We belong to him. He loves us. . . and we are his. 
We do not have to search for him, we only have to change the direction in which we are looking. 
It is for him to search for us.

She will go on to say: 

He is always there at the door of our souls, 
Wanting to enter in, though he does not force our consent.
If we agree to his entry, he enters. . . 
We cannot bind our will today for tomorrow; 
We cannot make a pact with him that tomorrow he will be within us."

I found those words to be encouraging to me. In the time of this pandemic, and as we inch toward re-opening, it is comforting to know that God is ever-searching for us—today. We may not think that this is so. The solitary walks that we take each day while we cannot be together may make us feel apart from something, but they should not. God is actively looking to commune with us; if we have the courage to receive this truth. When I struggle to know what to say, or how to live my faith out, or even how to fill my days in a meaningful way, it is helpful to know God is tangible with me right now.

Rev. Derek

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