Thursday, May 21, 2020

Pastoral Thought--May 21--Ascension Day

Church family, 

I am excited to tell you that today has been a busy morning at Plains!

First, I recorded a prayer service with Y108 with Stoney Richards, again. It was a joy and blessing to be with them on the radio and I hope to do that again in the near future. The audio from that service will be shared soon through the podcast, website, and email.

Then, I recorded a short worship service for the podcast, and the Plains Church website, that Tom will also be posting. The theme of that service is the Ascension—which takes place today (May 21). I invite you to take some time and listen and pray with me during that service as a way to remember and celebrate the ministry that Jesus entrusts us to .

One theme that ran between both services is the idea that prayer anchors us to God in a way that we often do not comment upon. We know it in our souls, but we do not often confess or acknowledge it. St Gregory of Sinai says it this way: 

“The true beginning of prayer is the warmth of the heart
That scorifies the passions, 
Fills the soul with joy and delight,
And establishes the heart in unwavering love
And unhesitating surety.”

When we spent time with God, we can find a strength and sureness that transcends all the uncertainty and hesitation of our day. Whether we are in the “Red” or “Yellow” level in Pennsylvania, God is still available to anchor us to his very nature and self. Today I hope that you find some time to pray and feel the surety and anchor that prayer offers.

Rev. Derek

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